There’s a major winter storm brewing for New England and, possibly, the mid-Atlantic states’ coastal regions. It could dump two feet of snow on Boston and New York City, similar amounts in surrounding areas, and over three feet in some places. It could also bring Category 1 hurricane-force winds (74–95 mph).
Newsmax titled its report “Intense Weekend Storm Could Deliver ‘Bomb Cyclone’ to Northeast, Mid-Atlantic.” The actual text of the report didn’t sensationalize as much as the title, but since the title is what first forms readers’ emotional reactions, that made little difference.
Other media likewise played it up, CNN, for example, headlining its story “A bomb cyclone with the power of a hurricane will unleash snow and blizzard-like conditions this weekend“—this and other uses of “bomb cyclone” despite the fact that the co-author of the 1980 article from which the term originates has, wisely, I think, stopped using it because of its association with weaponry in a time of widespread terrorism.
Cornwall Alliance contributing writer Dr. William Balgord, President of Environmental & Resources Technology, Inc., Middleton, WI, wasn’t impressed. He wrote to Newsmax:
Do yourself and us N-max readers a big favor and purge your brain of lamebrained locutions like “bomb cyclone.” There are better and more applicable words in the meteorological lexicon that fit the situation perfectly, like “Nor’-easter.” What happened to all the good old-fashioned Farmer’s Almanac ways of describing Old Man Winter?
You are unwittingly aiding and abetting the hard-left climate-change alarmists by helping change the language to advance a tattered narrative.
Nothing that happens during this old-fashioned retro winter of 2022 will be any better or worse for global warming’s sake than untold storms that have proceeded across the continent and up the East Coast since well before the first native American set foot on the continent after crossing the Bering Isthmus during the previous Wisconsin glacial.
The whole lot of sky-is-falling shriekers should be ridden out of town on a rail after a generous application of hot tar and feathers. Figuratively speaking, of course.
PS: And what pre-school and school system do we have to thank for your outstanding inability to decode what the alarmist media is feeding you? Try checking in with Joe Bastardi [author of The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate Wars] of WeatherBell Analytics next time before going to press.
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