Our Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
We come before you today, acknowledging that you are Trinity. In you, all fruitful community and communication exist in holiness. We beg that your will be done in this broken and, yet, redeemed world.
Today, the nation of Islam in on our minds. Today, we need Muslims around the world to come to a saving knowledge of your Son’s work on the cross. Today and tonight we need you, Holy Trinity, to work in the minds and hearts of all Muslims to show them the Truth. We desire you to work mightily, specifically, on behalf of all pastors and Christians currently persecuted, in prison, or marginalized by the nation of Islam. All these things, all these people, need you. We need you.
We also remember the unborn, as they are in the stewardship of mothers, fathers and doctors across the world. These unborn human beings need your hand of protection to grant them continued life and abundance. They are poor and needy, when they are being used for research or scheduled to be killed. They need you. We want them. Please hear our cry, O Lord.
Next, Father, we ask that you teach us how to repay our debts. We confess we are a nation of poor stewards, amounting immense credit card debt and not being wise with our resources. We often do not give you the first fruits of our labor, and we squander our money materialistically and foolishly. We need help. We need your help. We need wise men and women to speak into our lives, because we are foolish. Please forgive us, we pray.
Finally, we ask that you would show us our debts. We beg that you would show us where we are desperate, poor and needy. We are finite creatures before your infinite magnitude. We need you to show us how to live and image you in this world. You are our life. We stand in awesome agreement of your plan for fruitfulness and abundant life in your world. We honor you as our King. We are your (often un)faithful servants and stewards. We need you. We always need you.
Lord, Majesty, King, Master, in your mercy, hear our prayer.