Our Identity
The Cornwall Alliance is a network of evangelical Christian scholars–mostly natural scientists, economists, policy experts, theologians, philosophers, and religious leaders–dedicated to educating the public and policymakers about Biblical earth stewardship (men and women working together to enhance the fruitfulness, beauty, and safety of the earth, to the glory of God and the benefit of our neighbors), economic development for the poor (through private property rights, entrepreneurship, free trade, limited government, the rule of law, and access to abundant, affordable, reliable energy), and the gospel of forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God by grace through faith in the atoning death and vindicating resurrection of Jesus Christ.
For more information, see:
- Who We Are, for a list and bios of our network scholars and staff.
- What We Do, for a description of our activities.
- What Drives Us, for our vision and mission.
- Our History in Highlights, for where we came from and how we got here.
- Cornwall Alliance Statement of Faith, for our fundamental beliefs.
- Donate, for where you can contribute to support our ministry.