No doubt you have heard the discussion that gas stoves are evil … because they lead to childhood asthma. I am not talking about “gasoline” stoves—and I do not recommend you cook with gasoline—but gas stoves that run on natural gas. You might have one of these “anti-children” appliances in your kitchen. I recently moved from a home that had a gas stove to one where I now cook with electricity … not because I have children who are likely to develop asthma but because … well, the new house does not … [Read more...]
Yes, It’s Hot—It’s Summer!
It is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and America’s mainstream media once again are blaming summer heat waves on anthropogenic global warming. Are they right?We recognize that climate changes, because climate always changes. Characteristics of one year may make it warmer, or cooler, than other years.This year, we are experiencing our third consecutive year of La Niña—a substantial cooling of waters in the central Pacific Ocean due, in part, to an increase in winds across the tropical Pacific. … [Read more...]
Will Greenland Ever Be “Green” Again?
It’s that time of year again. The heat of the summer has practically ended and now all the summer melt statistics can be released. This is a perfect time to scare the populace once again that Greenland will melt at an alarming pace and that coastal states will be inundated. In states like Iowa and Missouri, few take notice. But in the state with the lowest mean elevation—Delaware—such proclamations are not taken lightly. That is why my fellow citizens of the “First … [Read more...]
Carbon Cutting: Saving the Planet or Virtue Signaling?
Recently, many companies have pledged to go “net-zero.” “Net-zero” means the greenhouse gases a company emits are balanced by the greenhouse gases it removes from the atmosphere. The Paris Agreement suggests such goals. Although former President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from it, many companies feel the need to demonstrate they are pursuing the targets set in Paris, as we rejoined it under President Biden.In theory, net-zero can be accomplished by reducing emissions or … [Read more...]
Jordan Peterson Knows Psychology, Including ‘Global Warming’ Groupthink
Five days before the recent snowstorm rocked the Mid-Atlantic region, the ECMWF weather model had forecast more than 30 inches for portions of Delaware, coastal Maryland, and southern New Jersey. The model had overestimated snowfall by up to a factor of three.My criticism of the model will likely not anger many in the political arena. Why not? Because, as we are often told, weather is not climate. Weather is very difficult to forecast because it is highly variable, and weather models can … [Read more...]
A Simple Explanation of Why Climate Models “Run Hot”
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6) has been released, much to the excitement of and fanfare from the mainstream media. It was expected that gloom and despair would permeate the document – unless, of course, we adopt a draconian carbon-dioxide-reduction strategy – and the IPCC did not fail to deliver.So, where do these extreme climate scenarios originate? One could assume that they could be “made up”; after all, climate change … [Read more...]
Is the Science Settled?
With respect to climate change, we have often heard the refrain “The Science is Settled!” screeched anytime you attempt to disagree with the alarmist dogma. But a recent series of publications in arguably prestigious journals have underscored the truism in science that it is never settled.On Monday, March 15, an article[1] was published in Nature Geoscience (one of the journals in the stable of Nature journals) that argued “the sequence of recent [central] European summer droughts since … [Read more...]
A carbon tax would harm the poor
I recently gave a talk to a local group of outstanding young people in Delaware who aspire to be leaders in and around our state. I presented them with observed, empirical facts: Delaware’s climate is not changing disastrously. Restricting carbon dioxide will have little impact on our climate.Nevertheless, many still wrote to me to say they firmly believe the most significant problem facing Delaware is the adverse impact the consumption of fossil fuels has on our environment and that limiting … [Read more...]
Fauci-Birx climate models?
Honest, evidence-based climate models could avoid trillions of dollars in policy Paul Driessen and David LegatesPresident Trump and his Coronavirus Task Force presented some frightening numbers during their March 31 White House briefing. Based on now 2-week-old data and models, as many as 100,000 Americans at the models’ low end, to 2.2 million at their high end, could die from the fast-spreading virus, they said. However, the President, Vice President Pence, and Drs. Anthony … [Read more...]
It’s Not about the Climate—It Never Was
Generally, I conclude most of my climate change presentations with the phrase, “It’s not about the climate; it never was.” Here, I would like to start with that statement. In this brief article, I will discuss why carbon dioxide isn’t the dangerous gas it is made out to be, why climate change is not an ‘existential’ threat to the planet, and why the Green New Deal is not a solution to climate change. Let me begin with a series of questions. Is our climate changing? The answer is clearly … [Read more...]