For decades, headlines around the world have claimed that various extreme weather events---hurricanes, typhoons, floods, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, even cold snaps---are driven by global warming. Similar claims have persisted in the record-breaking cold afflicting North America this winter. Such claims become rationale for expensive policies to mitigate the warming by cutting CO2 emissions, achievable only by reducing fossil fuel use and substituting wind and solar energy … [Read more...]
None so blind as them that will not see
It seems nothing short of miraculous how global warming alarmists can always come up with ways to stick with their hypothesis in the face of so much contrary evidence. Case in point: The BBC ran a story on Russia that claimed that reindeer populations across northern Russia were "in steep decline because of climate change." The Global Warming Policy Foundation's Lord Nigel Lawson corrected that by pointing out that 17 out of 19 subpopulations are growing, not shrinking. The BBC's … [Read more...]
Larry Bell takes NY Times reporter to the woodshed for taking President Trump to the woodshed
Kendra Pierre-Louis will rue the day when she took it on herself to teach President Donald Trump the difference between climate and weather. So will the New York Times, the newspaper in which she did it. Why? Because she was right. And that meant she and the Times were wrong. Larry Bell took her to the woodshed in the first few paragraphs of his latest column: President Trump’s December 28 tweet connecting an upcoming "Coldest New Year’s Eve on record" with not paying "trillions … [Read more...]
Monckton Writes to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Clean Power Plan
We're delighted that our friend Viscount Christopher Monckton, one of the leading critics of climate alarmism, allowed us to publish this letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, with which we wholeheartedly agree. We encourage citizens to make their own opinions known to Administrator Pruitt. By the way, what comes out of the "smokestacks" in the photo below is not smoke but water vapor (the white condensing steam) and carbon dioxide, not a pollutant but an … [Read more...]
Global Warming Believers, Take Note: Real Science Doesn’t Shy from Challenges
Guest blog by Mark Landsbaum, reprinted from with permission Somewhere online yours truly posted a comment about global warming that stirred one of the faithful. Faithful global warming believer, that is. The true believer sent me an email that demanded: Please don’t ever write about a subject you are so hopelessly uneducated in ever again, and if you do, do the courtesy to your unfortunate reader of providing sources. For the umpteenth time I had been shouted down by one of … [Read more...]
After 20 Years, No New Global Temperature Record
[The article below by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer, reprinted from his blog by permission, reports that the linear warming trend from 1970--2017 was 0.13 deg. C per decade. The computer climate models on which the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the negotiators of the 2015 Paris climate agreement rely simulate a warming trend of 0.216 deg. C per decade, i.e., two-thirds faster than actually measured, and that … [Read more...]
Books I’ve Read, 2017—In the Half-Millennium Anniversary of the Reformation
My leading the Cornwall Alliance entails a great deal of reading, all the time, on economic and, especially, environmental issues—from three or four to ten or twenty articles a day, and multiple books every year. But as a former professor of church history and social ethics who also taught systematic theology, reasons for Christian faith, and political theory, and as a church member committed to ministering to the needs of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and simply as a Christian ambitious to … [Read more...]
Is Capitalism Bad for the Environment? The Eighth Commandment Offers a Clue
A common charge by environmentalists is that capitalism is bad for the environment. Indeed, Christiana Figueres, former secretary-general of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, opined that climate negotiations in Paris in late 2014 offered the world its best opportunity to replace the reigning global economic order (capitalism, or free markets) with another (socialism, or government-planned economies). But is capitalism really bad for the environment? One of the Ten … [Read more...]
Václav Klaus: “Let´s not give up fighting climate alarmism, it is never late!”
Dr. Václav Klaus, first Prime Minister (1993--1998) and second President of the Czech Republic (2003--2013) and an economist who advocates free markets, delivered this speech at the conference of Association des Climato-réalistes, Musée Social, Paris, December 7, 2017. We are grateful for President Klaus's permission to publish it here, and we commend him and thank God for his courageous, intelligent, and persevering defense of freedom and reason. Ladies and gentlemen, many thanks for the … [Read more...]
Do Climate Alarmists Take God’s Name in Vain?
The Cornwall Alliance has produced a series of 23 lectures on the Ten Commandments. How do those relate to our usual focus on environment and development? Lots of ways. This is the third in a series of brief posts exploring some of them. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”—The Third Commandment Here God forbids careless or irreverent use of His name. Elsewhere Scripture enlarges on this. We should show … [Read more...]
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