A common charge by environmentalists is that capitalism is bad for the environment. Indeed, Christiana Figueres, former secretary-general of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, opined that climate negotiations in Paris in late 2014 offered the world its best opportunity to replace the reigning global economic order (capitalism, or free markets) with another (socialism, or government-planned economies). But is capitalism really bad for the environment? One of the Ten … [Read more...]
Václav Klaus: “Let´s not give up fighting climate alarmism, it is never late!”
Dr. Václav Klaus, first Prime Minister (1993--1998) and second President of the Czech Republic (2003--2013) and an economist who advocates free markets, delivered this speech at the conference of Association des Climato-réalistes, Musée Social, Paris, December 7, 2017. We are grateful for President Klaus's permission to publish it here, and we commend him and thank God for his courageous, intelligent, and persevering defense of freedom and reason. Ladies and gentlemen, many thanks for the … [Read more...]
Do Climate Alarmists Take God’s Name in Vain?
The Cornwall Alliance has produced a series of 23 lectures on the Ten Commandments. How do those relate to our usual focus on environment and development? Lots of ways. This is the third in a series of brief posts exploring some of them. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”—The Third Commandment Here God forbids careless or irreverent use of His name. Elsewhere Scripture enlarges on this. We should show … [Read more...]
Is Climate Change a National Security Threat? The Answer Is Blowin’ in the (Political) Wind
Let me see if I understand this. For the under President Obama, climate alarmists kept telling us that since the Administration officially said climate change was a threat to national security, we had to believe it, because ... government says so, that's why. Now the Trump Administration has released its new National Security Strategy, and it has officially removed climate change from the list of national security threats. Does that mean we don't have to take climate change seriously … [Read more...]
You Shall Not Make for Yourself a Carved Image
The Cornwall Alliance has produced a series of 23 lectures on the Ten Commandments. How do those relate to our usual focus on environment and development? Lots of ways. This is the second in a series of brief posts exploring some of them. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous … [Read more...]
You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me
The Cornwall Alliance has produced a series of 23 lectures on the Ten Commandments. How do those relate to our usual focus on environment and development? Lots of ways. This is the first in a series of brief posts exploring some of them. “You shall have no other gods before Me.”—The First Commandment “The heavens declare the glory of God,” says Psalm 19:1, and He will not share His glory with any other (Isaiah 42:8). This is important to both environmental stewardship and economic … [Read more...]
How Do You Make Sea Level Rise When and Where It Doesn’t?
Atmospheric temperature is rising at less than half the rate predicted by the computer models. Even the predicted rate isn't particularly disturbing so far as its effects on ecosystems or human wellbeing are concerned. That's because, as the models predict, most of the increase is toward the poles, in winter, at night, little toward the equator, in summer, in daytime. I.e., it serves mostly to raise the coldest temperatures and does little to the warmest temperatures. The main results are … [Read more...]
European farmers and eaters 1, Luddites 0
Luddites lost a big one in Europe last week. The European Union voted to re-license the herbicide glyphosate (commonly known as Roundup®), one of the best gifts of science to man (because it makes food more abundant and affordable) and nature (because it minimizes the amount of cropland needed to grow food), despite howls of protest by those who wrongly claim it's a dangerous carcinogen. Mark Lynas hits the nail on the head with the title of his blog piece about it at the Cornell Alliance for … [Read more...]
Time to Replace the Antiquities Act?
Yesterday President Donald Trump announced 2 million acres of reductions in the size of two tracts of land---Bears Ears National Monument and Grand Staircase-Escalante, set aside by President Obama as national monuments under the 111-year-old Antiquities Act. Predictably, Green lobbyists are up in arms. Ordinary citizens---not so much. Conservatives are celebrating, particularly because Trump's action is a move back toward federalism. As Shawn Regan writes in National Review, the act "allows … [Read more...]
After 24 Years, What’s Happened to the Global Warming Rate?
An article in the prestigious scientific journal Nature reports that the most comprehensive, reliable method we have of measuring global average temperature reveals a decadal warming rate of just about 0.09C per decade. That's about half the rate predicted by the computer models on which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and various government agencies rely for their predictions of climate doom. Why's that significant? Because it undermines the models' credibility---and the models … [Read more...]
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