Physicist and Cornwall Alliance friend John Droz, Jr., reveals a fascinating story of how the Obama Administration and North Carolina politicians sold out national security for the chance to look Green. The Obama-directed military and North Carolina regulators, aided by the governor and attorney general, approved an extensive industrial wind facility located where it would interfere with the operation of a vital instrument of national security: one of two land-based ROTHR—Relocatable … [Read more...]
Social Cost of Carbon—Achilles Heel of Obama Climate and Energy Policy
Most people don't know what it means, and most of those who know what it means have little or no idea how it's calculated, but the "social cost of carbon" may be one of the most important concepts---and numbers---in the climate-and-energy-policy debate, and particularly in American regulatory activity. The Obama Administration's inflated estimate of the SCC has been its primary justification for all the economy-busting regulations it's trotted out to force reductions in fossil fuel … [Read more...]
The Muck of Global Temperature Estimates
Few people have even the slightest notion how difficult it is to come up with even moderately plausible estimates of global temperature. Every measuring system has its strengths and weaknesses. Those handling them have their abilities and disabilities, their biases and blind spots. And a great deal of what goes on is politically driven to bring about predetermined results. Bob Tisdale addresses the issue ably in a recent post at One of the most valuable aspects of his … [Read more...]
Whatever Happened to the Gospel?
New guidelines for spiritual formation for future Roman Catholic priests call for them to "have a good grasp of the global climate problem" and share it with their congregations, according to Catholic Online. Those behind the guidelines insist that they're not politically motivated. Rather, they insist that all the politics is on the other side, with fossil fuel interests funding "denialism." Apparently they're unaware that renewable fuel interests fund alarmism. Maybe the Roman Catholic … [Read more...]
Pope Francis and Climate Politics
Reuters reports, “Pope Francis urged national leaders on Monday to implement global environmental agreements without delay, a message that looked to be squarely aimed at U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. “Addressing a group of scientists that included theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, the pope gave his strongest speech on the environment since the election of Trump, who has threatened to pull out of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. ‘The ‘distraction’ or delay in … [Read more...]
Yes, Climate Change is Real–and Skepticism about its Magnitude is Good Science
In “Meteorologist Tells Christians: Climate Change Is Real,” Opposing Views columnist Michael Allen misrepresents The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, of which I’m founder and national spokesman. He writes that we have “encouraged evangelical leaders to deny man-made climate change” and co-sponsored a “climate change denial conference.” On the contrary, our “Open Letter on Climate Change to the People … of the United States of America” (signed by hundreds of scientists and … [Read more...]
Who Does John Tierney Think He Is to Challenge Chris Mooney about “Science Denial”?
Leftwing environmentalist Washington Post columnist Chris Mooney has made something of a cottage industry out of lampooning what he considers conservatives' "science denial" in four books. Count 'em: The Republican War on Science, 2005 Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle over Global Warming, 2007 Unscientific America---How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future, 2009 (with Sheril Kirshenbaum, who holds Ph.D.'s graduate degrees in meteorology and climatology marine … [Read more...]
Why Trump Should Fire the Paris Climate Treaty
Oh, the delight of knowing we’ve probably just endured the last salvo in the Obama Administration’s climate-change propaganda campaign! On November 16, U.S. delegates to COP-21 in Marrakech, Morocco—the twenty-first Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change—unveiled the United States Mid-Century Strategy for Deep Decarbonization. The document sets forth how the U.S. Obama Administration intends intended to achieve its “Intended Nationally Determined … [Read more...]
The Phony War Against CO2
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by physicist Rodney W. Nichols and geologist and Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt that makes perfect sense. Here’s its start: polls show that climate change is low on the list of voters’ priorities. For good reason: In the U.S., and for much of the world, the most dangerous environmental pollutants have been cleaned up. U.S. emissions of particulates, metals and varied gases—all of these: ozone, lead, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen … [Read more...]
DiCaprio’s Titanic Failure: Did “Before the Flood” Sink on Maiden Voyage?
Early in Leonardo DiCaprio’s Before the Flood, which aired Sunday night on the National Geographic Channel, we see a clip of DiCaprio speaking before the U.N. General Assembly, saying, “I stand before you not as an expert.” That’s the most credible line in the movie. And the least credible may be one that follows almost immediately: “I want to do everything I can to learn more about this issue.” If he’d really meant that, he might have gone to the trouble to speak to some of the … [Read more...]
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