In expectation of the release of an encyclical on environmental stewardship, some people have claimed that Pope Francis has a degree, even a master’s degree, in chemistry, qualifying him to understand the scientific issues of climate change. Not so, according to the National Catholic Reporter. Actually, Francis graduated, at age 19, “with a título in chemistry from the Escuela Técnica Industrial No. 12*, which is a state-run technical secondary school,” and “the título really represents … [Read more...]
Physicist Gordon Fulks discusses the Left’s politicization of science and paganization of religion
Just received this from Gordon J. Fulks (Ph.D., Physics), of the University of Chicago Laboratory for Astrophysics, Mission Research Corporation, Corbett, OR, via email, and he permitted me to publish it here on our blog. It's right on target. Politics has clearly compromised science via billions of dollars going to those scientists willing to play along. Now politicians are targeting traditional religions by drawing in those who are their ideological brothers. It is surprising that the Pope … [Read more...]
Vatican’s secrecy over environmental encyclical may have diminished its value
The Associated Press reports that Vatican officials are very upset over the leak of a draft of the much-anticipated papal encyclical on the environment yesterday. I find the concluding paragraph of the AP report most interesting: In the aftermath of the "Vatileaks" scandal, the Vatican City State updated its criminal code to include severe penalties for anyone who leaks a Vatican document or publishes news from it: Up to two years in prison and a 5,000 euro ($5,600) fine. Well, I suppose if the … [Read more...]
Hayward Slam Dunks Sachs
Economist Jeffrey Sachs directs the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He's also led the way in the U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals--a high-sounding program to end poverty that depends largely on redistributing wealth from the West to the Rest with an obligatory but ineffectual nod toward the need for governmental reform and economic development in impoverished countries handicapped by corrupt leadership, progress-stifling political structures, and social mores that undermine personal … [Read more...]
NOAA Study Takes World by Storm: No Global Warming Pause!
That's how most of the media are treating a new study, anyway. Even the Wall Street Journal ran a news piece titled "Study Finds No Pause in Global Warming." The source? "Possible artifacts of data bias in the recent global surface warming hiatus," published this week in Science, by long-time global warming alarmist Tom Karl et al. Abstract: Much study has been devoted to the possible causes of an apparent decrease in the upward trend of global surface temperatures since 1998, a phenomenon … [Read more...]
Total Takedown on Paul Ehrlich and Fears of Overpopulation
Stunning that the reliably liberal and alarmist NYT runs an article, "The Unrealized Horrors of Population Explosion," with equally stunning video demonstrating that Paul Ehrlich, author of the uber-alarmist The Population Bomb (1968), was totally, totally wrong. The full case for Ehrlich's idiocy on the economics of demography is far, far stronger than the article and video show, but even so, they're a total take-down of Ehrlich. Why ANYONE has ever considered Ehrlich even simply a … [Read more...]
Europe’s Appetite for Wood Pellets Instead of Coal Threatens Forests
In its Quixotic quest to fight global warming, Europe is switching many coal-fired electric generating plants to wood pellets. Not a good idea. One of the most important advances for both humanity and the environment was our move from using wood as primary energy source to coal, natural gas, and oil. That led to a reversal of the deforestation that was happening all over the Northern Hemisphere as population rose. The higher-density fossil fuels allowed us to generate far more energy while … [Read more...]
Coral Reefs and Global Warming: Another Eco-disaster Dwindles
As so often happens, eco-doomsters notice that one factor puts stress on some ecosystem, and they sound the alarm, but further study indicates that other factors balance out the stress. In this instance, researchers find that coral reefs aren't so sensitive to water temperature changes as some global warming alarmists had claimed. Instead, they respond to a variety of factors and are more robust than feared. The study, sponsored in part by the Wildlife Conservation Society, was published in the … [Read more...]
Is NOAA Lying to US (and Us) about US Climate History?
In an article titled "The 'Trick' to Controlling the Climate Agenda," energy physicist Michael W. Brakey accuses the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of systematically falsifying historical temperature data to create the appearance of more warming than has actually happened. His argument: NOAA has applied an algorithm (a bit of computer code that applies itself repeatedly to a set of data) that systematically lowers observed temperature data more and more the farther back into … [Read more...]
World Magazine Exposes Evangelical Environmentalists’ Growing Dependence on Green-Left Funding
Many environmentalists are fond of accusing all critics of their alarms of being in the pocket of industry. World magazine has just turned the tables. In a three-page article, World environment reporter Daniel James Devine reports that evangelical "creation care" organizations like the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), its daughter organization Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA), and the once-conservative now moderate-to-Left-leaning Christian Coalition receive a major share of … [Read more...]
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