Last week Dr. Vaclav Klaus, an economist, the second President of the Czech Republic (2003–), whom The Times of London described as the Margaret Thatcher of Central Europe and who knows what it is to live under tyranny, said of believers in catastrophic anthropogenic global warming: Their ideas are the ideas of ideologues, not of scientists or climatologists. Data and sophisticated theories will never change their views. We have to accept that they have succeeded in establishing the religion of … [Read more...]
Recommended Readings on the Global Warming Debate
From time to time the Cornwall Alliance receives requests for recommended readings on the debate over catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming (CAGW). Although it takes considerable time, we always send personal replies to such requests, believing that’s one of the ways we can serve people. If you’re a Cornwall Alliance supporter, this is part of what your donations make possible. If you’re not, we hope you’ll consider becoming one. But it also makes sense to make such recommendations … [Read more...]
Are Mercury Emissions as Evil as Abortion? Somebody Wants Voters to Think So
Green group’s notion of pro-life comes straight from Alice in Wonderland “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”—Humpty Dumpty How do you turn politicians with 100% pro-abortion voting records into pro-lifers? The old-fashioned way would have been to persuade them that killing babies in their mothers’ wombs violates the God-given, unalienable right to life that governments are instituted among men to protect. But persuasion can be difficult. Not to … [Read more...]
The EPA Delivers “Unwanted Present” For Christmas
The Cornwall Alliance Warns Christians EPA Regulations Do Not Carry a Pro-Life Banner (December 22, Washington, DC)—“Yesterday the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave Americans a lump of coal in their Christmas stockings,” said Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, National Spokesman of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. “The unwanted present? A likely 11.5 percent hike in electricity rates, costing the average household more than $160 extra next year.” The gift came in the form of … [Read more...]
EEN’s Machiavellian Mercury Campaign Threatens Pro-Life Movement
If the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) has its way, some members of Congress with 100% pro-abortion records will be able to boast that they’re pro-life, and others with 100% pro-life voting records won’t. Come again? No, your eyes didn’t fool you. You read it right. Radio, television, and billboard ads EEN is running in nine states and the District of Columbia imply that those who support the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed new limits on mercury emissions from power … [Read more...]
Excessive Regulation Can Be Fatal—Why EPA’s Raft of New Regulations Should Be Delayed or Dumped
In just about the last month, the Obama Administration has delayed new EPA regulations on ozone and greenhouse gas emissions, and the House of Representatives voted to delay more EPA regulations. Americans should cheer all three developments. Why? Because the decisions will save lives. First an illustration—then the facts. About a decade ago my medical exam revealed moderately elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. My doctor, not surprisingly, immediately and sternly advised … [Read more...]
Is the Campaign for New Mercury Regulations Really Pro-Life?
Recently the Left-leaning Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) ran an advertising campaign on Christian radio stations and orchestrated a letter to members of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, urging support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) controversial proposed new regulations to force reductions on mercury emissions from electric power plants. EEN portrays the regulation as pro-life, claiming that 1 in 6 American babies is born with dangerously high levels of mercury in … [Read more...]
Global Warming Propaganda from Targets Young Children with Anti-Christian Worldview
Tens, even scores, of millions of adult Americans will remember warmly the weekly papers we received in school from The Scholastic. They were geared for specific age ranges, from Kindergarten up through twelfth grade, and covered a wide variety of subjects. They were helpful curriculum supplements to teachers. They’re still around today. I assume many are as useful, and unobjectionable, as they were forty, thirty, even twenty years ago. But not all. A few days ago the Cornwall Alliance … [Read more...]
If Peer Review Were a Drug, It Wouldn’t Get on the Market
In a blog piece at, meteorologist Chip Knappenberger presents and discusses the implications of communications from MIT climatologist Richard Lindzen documenting bias in and corruption of the scientific peer-review process against “climate skeptics,” focusing on the case of his recent submission to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that was refused there under suspicious circumstances but later accepted by the Asian Pacific Journal of Atmospheric … [Read more...]
Huffington Post: Is Cornwall Alliance Responsible for Death of Environmentalism in America?
Robert Cabin’s article ”Thank God Environmentalism Is Dead” Wednesday, May 18, in the Huffington Post is the latest in a string of articles by Leftwing journalists and bloggers showing that they believe Cornwall Alliance’s critiques of the environmental movement, particularly our Resisting the Green Dragon videos and book, are fueling the decline in American public concern about eco-catastrophe. Cabin, professor of ecology and environmental science at Brevard College, writes, “A recent Gallup … [Read more...]
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