In just about the last month, the Obama Administration has delayed new EPA regulations on ozone and greenhouse gas emissions, and the House of Representatives voted to delay more EPA regulations. Americans should cheer all three developments. Why? Because the decisions will save lives. First an illustration—then the facts. About a decade ago my medical exam revealed moderately elevated cholesterol and blood pressure. My doctor, not surprisingly, immediately and sternly advised … [Read more...]
Is the Campaign for New Mercury Regulations Really Pro-Life?
Recently the Left-leaning Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) ran an advertising campaign on Christian radio stations and orchestrated a letter to members of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, urging support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) controversial proposed new regulations to force reductions on mercury emissions from electric power plants. EEN portrays the regulation as pro-life, claiming that 1 in 6 American babies is born with dangerously high levels of mercury in … [Read more...]
Global Warming Propaganda from Targets Young Children with Anti-Christian Worldview
Tens, even scores, of millions of adult Americans will remember warmly the weekly papers we received in school from The Scholastic. They were geared for specific age ranges, from Kindergarten up through twelfth grade, and covered a wide variety of subjects. They were helpful curriculum supplements to teachers. They’re still around today. I assume many are as useful, and unobjectionable, as they were forty, thirty, even twenty years ago. But not all. A few days ago the Cornwall Alliance … [Read more...]
If Peer Review Were a Drug, It Wouldn’t Get on the Market
In a blog piece at, meteorologist Chip Knappenberger presents and discusses the implications of communications from MIT climatologist Richard Lindzen documenting bias in and corruption of the scientific peer-review process against “climate skeptics,” focusing on the case of his recent submission to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that was refused there under suspicious circumstances but later accepted by the Asian Pacific Journal of Atmospheric … [Read more...]
Huffington Post: Is Cornwall Alliance Responsible for Death of Environmentalism in America?
Robert Cabin’s article ”Thank God Environmentalism Is Dead” Wednesday, May 18, in the Huffington Post is the latest in a string of articles by Leftwing journalists and bloggers showing that they believe Cornwall Alliance’s critiques of the environmental movement, particularly our Resisting the Green Dragon videos and book, are fueling the decline in American public concern about eco-catastrophe. Cabin, professor of ecology and environmental science at Brevard College, writes, “A recent Gallup … [Read more...]
Risky Business: The Hidden Dangers of the National Day of Prayer for Creation Care
The Evangelical Environmental Network declared Friday, May 20, “National Day of Prayer for Creation Care.” While I’m wholeheartedly in favor of praying for a clean, healthful, beautiful Earth every day, I’m cautious about this campaign. What raised my concern was the campaign’s central emphasis this year: “The day will focus on the impacts of mercury on the unborn …,” said an email. Then, at EEN’s website, the page on “Mercury & the Unborn” claimed, “Approximately one in every six babies in … [Read more...]
The Competing World Views of Environmentalism and Christianity
The Competing Worldviews of Environmentalism and Christianity (PDF) Religion is the root of any culture, and environmentalism has become a full-fledged religion in its own right. It is the most comprehensive substitute in the world today for Christianity so far as world view, theology, ethics, politics, economics, and science are concerned, and you need to understand it in order to counter it effectively, from presuppositions to policies, from classroom to movie theater, from evening … [Read more...]
Climate Policy: Theological, Scientific, and Economic Considerations
A Panel Presentation to the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change Download the full presentation (PDF). I’m grateful to James Taylor, Joe Bast, and the Heartland Institute for asking me to speak. My remarks today in part abridge, condense, and supplement what the Cornwall Alliance has said in a 76-page interdisciplinary research paper we published last December, A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and … [Read more...]
Wanted for Premeditated Murder: How Post-Normal Science Stabbed Real Science in the Back on the Way to the Illusion of “Scientific Consensus” on Global Warming
"Climate Change and the Death of Science" is the most important article we've linked to in quite a long time. If you have time to read nothing else from this issue, read this. It's worth every minute it will take. As Climategate and other transgressions of fundamental scientific procedure by global warming alarmists continue to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that a great deal of what's been called "climate science" isn't science at all. It's ideological propaganda, often religious (but … [Read more...]
The REAL Climate Change Deniers
Who could ever be foolish enough to deny that climate changes? Who, that is, except those nutty people who insist that "climate change" is a recent phenomenon and therefore must be man-made and dangerous? They're the real "deniers," not those who insist that climate has always changed and that the recent changes are not unprecedented and therefore need no explanation other than the continuation of things as usual. Image courtesy of Evgeni Dinev / … [Read more...]