Over more than 30 years of studying climate change, reading hundreds of reports, studies, white papers, commentaries, and news stories on the topic, during which time I’ve written hundreds of thousands of words on the issue, I have come to a few firm conclusions: Climate change is happening—slowly, modestly, but happening; humans may be contributing to it, though whether they are the dominant or even a primary cause is an open question; and there is no evidence so far that climate change is … [Read more...]
The Ugly Truth Is Out: Climate Scientists Want Power
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe Guardian reports U.N. climate scientists are finally saying the quiet part out loud: they want the authority to prescribe specific climate policies and the ability to track or monitor the compliance of the 195 nations that are signatories to the Paris climate agreement with those prescriptions or mandates. Per The Guardian:Senior climate experts are calling for an overhaul of the structure and powers of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate … [Read more...]
Papers Point to Urban Heat Islands for 2023’s Hot Summer Temperatures
Writing in American Thinker, Mark Adams notes that although 2023’s summer was hotter than normal, as the mainstream media voluminously report, three recent papers published in respected peer-reviewed journals have concluded that much of the hyped heat was a result of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, with compromised ground-based temperature stations in expanding urban and suburban areas biasing the local and thus global averaged temperatures upward. As Adams writes:Although urban areas occupy … [Read more...]
Electric Vehicles Are Much More Costly than Commonly Claimed
Electric Vehicles (EV) have been much in the headlines recently, from stories detailing the difficulties with charging them to losses suffered by major automakers pushing them at the behest of the Biden administration, to EV fires, the dependence on China for critical components used in EVs including their batteries, range and function issues, and beyond.I have discussed the myriad problems with EVs on multiple occasions in recent months. For instance, I addressed a range of concerns in detail … [Read more...]
Ninety-Nine Percent Consensus? Not so, Says New Analysis
A new study published in the journal Climate by a group of researchers from various universities and research institutes in Israel (Dentelski, et al.) debunks a study in another journal that claimed support for the theory humans are causing dangerous climate change “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW) tops 99 percent.A 2021 study (Lynas et al.) claimed a review of a random sample of 3,000 publications discussing climate change, out of “a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since … [Read more...]
Models Can’t Agree on Climate Sensitivity
Image: Created Commons under UnsplashFor decades, the public has been told climate researchers understand and have accurately modeled “climate sensitivity,” defined as the average global temperature rise we should expect following a doubling of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere compared to pre-industrial levels. Yet, climate models routinely run too hot, both hindcasting (unless their outputs or the measured data is adjusted to conform) and forecasting far more warming than is actually … [Read more...]
Pope’s Climate Harangue Shows that He Should Stick to Theology and Leave Climate Policy to Those Who Follow Facts
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIn late December 2014, the Vatican announced the Pope would be issuing an encyclical in 2015 concerning the need to battle climate change. In late April 2015, Francis hosted a one-day conference, “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity: The Moral Dimensions of Climate Change and Sustainable Development.” Despite being described as a workshop to come to an understanding and agreement about a common path forward on climate change, the Vatican’s official closing … [Read more...]
Hot Summer Due to Many Factors—Carbon Dioxide Emissions Are Not One of Them
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashLet’s state the obvious and get it out of the way. It’s hot out there. Yeah, it’s summer, and summer is typically hot, but it has, as a matter of fact, been “hotter than [usual in] July” (hat tip to Stevie Wonder) across much of the globe.Hundreds, if not thousands, of daily temperature records in cities and towns around the world have been set during the present heatwaves, which, in some locations, have persisted for an extended period. The heat waves are … [Read more...]
New Claims of Record-Setting Temperatures Are Nothing but Hot Air
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashRecently headlines in mainstream media such as the BBC, CNN, Forbes, and The Washington Post blared the consistent message that July 4, 2023 was the hottest day in history, or at least in the past 125,000 years. The headlines and stories show just how gullible the media is, or alternatively, that they are so wedded to the climate crisis narrative that they would publish a story they know is impossible to verify and is probably untrue.The Washington … [Read more...]
The Truth About Canada’s Wildfires
Canada’s wildfires continue to burn, and with smoke from those fires darkening the skies in the United States, the mainstream media are covering it extensively. A common underlying theme in almost every report is that climate change is partly to blame for the size of Canada’s wildfires this season and that such fires and the heat contributing to them are a portent of things to come if we don’t stop using fossil fuels.Image: Creative Commons under Unsplash“With over 120 million U.S. residents … [Read more...]