Mark Steyn (l) and Michael Mann (r), adapted from Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY 2.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0.The public perception is that Dr. Michael Mann has become the standard bearer of climate change. After all, he invented the climate hockey stick idea, which has been relentlessly seared into the public’s consciousness by a complicit lamestream media. In effect, his graph has arguably been the premier example of real Science having been taken over by political science. It appears that this has … [Read more...]
“All of the Above” — a VERY Bad Idea
The fundamental fight over enacting effective energy policies is between lobbyists and the public. (A parallel perspective is that it is a contest between real Science and political science.)Lobbyists are paid to represent their clients’ economic interests or political agendas. The public consists of citizens, businesses, and the military.Lobbyists are professionals who spend most of their time soliciting legislators on their client’s behalf. See … [Read more...]
Education Game-Changer
Last week, for the first time, a major state formally rebuked one of the core elements of the Left’s scheme to undermine our education system (see below). If other states are paying attention, this could be the beginning of an extraordinarily significant awakening and rejection of the stranglehold that the Left now has on our K-12 education system.It’s no secret that the Left plans to take down America. Their number one strategy to bring this about is to corrupt the education system. Their … [Read more...]
The Best Way Out For The Poor
Thoughtful, sensitive, considerate people are rightly concerned about the multiple hardships that the poor in the world are subjected to. Is there something reasonable that can be done to alleviate their pain and dire straits? The good news is YES.The simplest, most effective change that we can offer these disadvantaged people, is to quickly make available to their communities: low-cost (the lower the better), reliable energy, 24/7.Giving citizens in third-world countries low-cost, reliable, … [Read more...]