October 20, 2020 by Dr. Peter JonesHow should genuine Christians vote in the up-coming presidential election? Recently a group called “pro-life evangelicals for Biden” sought to answer that question. The group includes many prominent evangelical leaders whom I respect who believe “that a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.”[1] Essentially in using the … [Read more...]
The New Copernicans: Millennials and the Survival of the Church
Recognizing the loss of many Millennials (18–30 year olds) from evangelical churches, The New Copernicans proposes a solution that will return them to the pews. The author and entrepreneur, John Seel, notes important factors in the contemporary scene: the diminishment of secular humanism; the growth of spiritual practices; the exodus of young people from church; and the consensus that we are in “the post secular age.” Seel’s insights are correct, but they do not make his solution correct; … [Read more...]
Star Wars and the Ancient Religion
The Occasion The appearance of a new version of Star Wars is an important moment for Christian witness. To be sure, we can shrug our shoulders, since Star Wars is old news. Or we can enthusiastically introduce our grandchildren to a beloved, harmless yarn. Or we can and should discover this as an occasion to help our children and grandchildren to understand the culture in which they live in order to speak the Gospel more accurately to it. In this famous and creative saga, which we must respect … [Read more...]