The green movement has done a great job of stymying the growth of nuclear power generation. That in itself creates an oxymoron. Nuclear is the only known technology to generate zero emission electricity on a continuous uninterruptable basis. With the success the green movement has had on nuclear, it’s now attracting big oil companies to invest huge sums into renewables - wind and solar. There are three main reasons for that kind of investment from “big oil” into renewables. First, it’s a … [Read more...]
California Democrats Fail to Denounce the Egregious Proliferation of Child Labor in the EV supply chain
In an April 23rd Press Release, California Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore, announced that her Assembly Bill 735, at which this writer testified in favor of on April 22nd, the Air Quality Improvement Program: Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, which stops the use of child labor in the supply chains of electric vehicles, failed in the Assembly Transportation Committee.Capitol Democrats are placing the burdens of reaching environmental goals using electric vehicles on the backs of … [Read more...]
The Green Ethical Supply Chain is not yet Transparent
As auto giants scale up EV production in earnest, they’re in a race to lock down crucial battery supplies. Before you purchase your EV from a major global automaker have you read and confirmed that they are in compliance with The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act SB657?It’s not in the best interests of a for profit company to turn down a good deal when it comes to buying raw products in an already crowded market place. That’s why most large, I’m talking billion-dollar companies, don’t … [Read more...]
America Is Following Germany’s Failed Climate Goals
Germany was the first major economy to make a big shift in its energy mix toward low-carbon sources, but it is failing to meet its climate goals of reducing carbon dioxide emissions even after committing to spend over $580 billion by 2025 to overhaul its energy systems. The nation’s emissions miss should be a “wake-up” call for governments everywhere. Germany stepped up as a “leader on climate change” by phasing out nuclear and pioneered a system of subsidies for wind and solar that sparked a … [Read more...]
The economy behind California’s green curtain
California’s role as a supposedly global climate leader took center stage during the Global Climate Action Summit hosted by Governor Jerry Brown in San Francisco in October 2018. The Governor, however, was silent on letting the world know that California is our nation’s housing crisis, homelessness, and poverty leader. In California, the emissions crusade goals (and costs) to reduce California’s one percent contribution to greenhouse gases have already increased the costs of electricity and … [Read more...]
What alternatives to fossil fuels can support our leisurely lifestyle?
Unless you’re living in a time warp of the horse and buggy days, when humans were friendlier to the environment, but limited to travel as far as they could walk or as far as their horse would take them, you’re stuck reminiscing on those good-old emission free days without fossil fuels when lives were dirty, smelly, difficult – and short. Today, for those enjoying the lifestyle of the industrialized society, virtually everything you see, touch, and use in your daily life is derived from the … [Read more...]