California leaders know that rising prices are a huge problem. The state is now considering a plan to tie utility rates to personal income so that the rich pay more and low-income residents pay less. Costly California looms as an example of poor energy policy.Energy prices are skyrocketing in California. The state’s electricity, gasoline, and natural gas prices are amongst the nation’s highest and rising. Green energy policies are the primary cause for high and escalating California … [Read more...]
Climate Activists Are Wrong About Which Energy Source Reduces Air Pollution
Today’s media are filled with concerns about air pollution. But few people know which energy source has produced the greatest modern reduction in air pollution. The answer isn’t wind or solar energy.During the 1950s, my grandfather had a coal furnace in his basement, like many homes in Chicago. Five days after a winter snowfall, the snow was covered with a visible black film of dust from coal furnaces. Our younger generation does not know the original reason for “spring cleaning.” Every spring, … [Read more...]
The Age of Underpopulation is Here
The age of overpopulation is over. The age of underpopulation is here. After decades of warnings and fear about an overpopulation crisis, population is now rapidly declining in most of the world. The overpopulation disaster predicted by world elites did not occur.Total fertility rate is the average number of children born per woman. Demographers tell us that a country's fertility rate must be at least 2.1 children per woman to sustain the current level of population.According to data from the … [Read more...]
The Looming Electricity Shortage
People in developed nations take abundant electricity for granted. When asked where electricity comes from, most will point to their wall outlet. But many states in the U.S. are headed for a serious and prolonged shortage of electrical power not seen in decades, driven by rising demand from the artificial intelligence revolution and mandates to adopt green energy.For 20 years, U.S. electrical power policy has been dominated by efforts to try to “mitigate” global warming, believed to be caused by … [Read more...]
The Next Big Climate Scare: Counting Climate Change Deaths
The next big climate scare is on the way. Advocates of measures to control the climate now propose that we begin counting deaths from climate change. They appear to believe that if people see a daily announcement of climate deaths, they will be more inclined to accept climate change policies. But it’s not even clear that the current gentle rise in global temperatures is causing more people to die. In December, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at COP28, the 28th United Nations … [Read more...]
Green Energy Goals in Conflict: Electric Power
Twenty-three states have adopted goals to move to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. State governments propose to retire coal- and gas-fired power plants and adopt wind and solar systems. But these goals conflict with efforts to promote electric vehicles (EVs), electric appliances, and a new rising demand for electric power.Photo: Creative Commons under Unsplash.The green energy push seeks to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions to fight human-caused global warming. Leaders tell us that without a … [Read more...]
Can the Government Create a Green Hydrogen Fuel Industry?
World leaders promote hydrogen as a possible low-emissions fuel for transportation and industry. Nations have announced hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to support development and supply of hydrogen. But will governments be able to create a new green hydrogen fuel industry?When hydrogen burns, the only combustion product is water vapor. Net Zero advocates, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), propose that green hydrogen be used as fuel in place of natural gas and coal in … [Read more...]
World Leaders Ignore Growing Safety Issues with Green Energy
The nations of the world are pursuing an unprecedented energy transition. Efforts are underway to force a shift from coal, oil, and natural gas to renewable energy sources by 2050. However, key elements of the proposed transition suffer from major safety issues. These are batteries for electric vehicles and electricity storage and hydrogen fuels for industry. Most energy sources involve safety risks. Gasoline cars can explode or burn, especially after collisions. Natural gas pipelines and … [Read more...]
Get Ready for Another Pointless United Nations Climate Conference
The United Nations Climate Conference begins November 30 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). More than 70,000 delegates are expected to attend from almost 200 nations. The COP28 event will emit large amounts of carbon dioxide but is unlikely to have any measurable effect on global temperatures. COP28 is the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, an annual event that has been going on since 1995. The Conference of the Parties is the decision-making body of the Framework Convention … [Read more...]
California Aims to Force Adoption of Electric Trucks, But 19 States Sue to Block
Earlier this year, California passed regulations that would turn the trucking industry upside down. New mandates for zero-emissions trucks would disrupt the industry, raise shipping costs, and put trucking companies out of business. A group including 19 states and several trucking organizations recently filed suit to block the California regulation.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashCalifornia’s Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) Regulation goes into effect on January 1, 2024. The ACF requires that … [Read more...]