Originally published in TheT&D.Occasionally a report appears which claims to be wisdom, but after careful analysis, offers solutions that don’t make much sense. Such a report was issued earlier this month by United Kingdom consulting firm GL Reynolds, titled “The multi-issue mitigation potential of reducing ship speeds.” The report proposes that we can reduce global warming by imposing speed limits on ocean-going ships.The GL Reynolds report concludes that a 10-20 percent reduction in ship … [Read more...]
Electrify Everything’ Policies Would Eliminate Gas Heating and Cooking
Originally published in TheInvadingSea.Natural gas and propane serve as excellent low-cost fuels for heating and cooking. Last year, natural gas usage grew faster than renewables in the United States. But advocates of green energy policies would eliminate gas for heating and cooking.According to the US Department of Energy, since 2007, US consumption of natural gas increased by 31 percent, rising from 23 to 30 percent of US primary energy consumption. Gas displaced coal as the preferred fuel for … [Read more...]
Battery Storage—An Infinitesimal Part of Electrical Power
Large-scale storage of electricity is the latest proposed solution to boost the deployment of renewables. Renewable energy advocates, businesses, and state governments plan to use batteries to store electricity to solve the problem of intermittent wind and solar output. But large-scale storage is only an insignificant part of the electrical power industry and doomed to remain so for decades to come.Last month, Senator Susan Collins of Maine introduced a bi-partisan bill named “The Better Energy … [Read more...]
Never Have US Health Professionals Been So Foolish
Last month, 74 US medical and public health groups released a “U.S. Call to Action,”declaring climate change a “true public health emergency” that can be solved by “urgent action.” The statement calls for a transition away from hydrocarbon energy and a move to a low-carbon economy. But actual weather and health trends don’t support either the alarm or the demanded actions.The statement was endorsed by the American Medical Association, the American … [Read more...]