In response to growing concerns about climate change and other environmental problems, an entrepreneur, Douglas Eger, has proposed a new kind of corporation, a Natural Asset Company (NAC). Eger is the CEO of the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG), an organization that, in partnership with the New York Stock Exchange, “is providing a platform to list ‘Natural Asset Companies’” in order “to take them public and enable the conversion of natural wealth into financial wealth.”As the idea has been … [Read more...]
What’s Wrong with a Carbon Tax?
The old joke is that if you put all the world’s economists end to end they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion. That’s another way of saying that economists routinely disagree with each other—often completely.Nonetheless, much of the public and many journalists treat a recommendation from a group of economists like the word from Mt. Sinai—as long as they agree with it.That kind of response was widespread when, as the Wall Street Journal recently reported, a group of economists signed a … [Read more...]
Answering Objections about Genetically Modified Organisms
Opponents of genetically modified (GM) crops raise a number of questions and objections to growing them and including them in the food supply. Although they cite scientific research to support their claims, a careful review of the literature suggests there is very little evidence to support any of the claims about harmful health effects of GM food. For this reason, combined with the many potential benefits, governments should not restrict the use of genetically modified organisms … [Read more...]
We Pray for our Nation
O Ruler of Nations, We pray for our nation, our government officials and the political process by which we elect our representatives and leaders at the local, state and national level. We plead with you that you might not give us the government we deserve but rather would give us elected officials who would engage with the vital issues that will affect our future prosperity and the advancement of your kingdom. We pray that those running for office would participate in open and civil … [Read more...]
Focusing on Low Carbon Development to curb climate change will hurt cities
In addition to economic growth, should improving the climate be an important goal of government policy? The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate offers ten recommendations designed to help countries of all income levels achieve these two goals. Their first recommendation is that cities “commit to developing and implementing low-carbon urban development strategies by 2020.” This includes prioritizing investments in non-motorized transport and renewable energy. Policy to achieve this goal … [Read more...]