So suggested a headline in Bloomberg News early last month. What to make of this? For one thing Bloomberg News can no longer be regarded as a sterling source for news after its owner has thrust himself into the 2020 Presidential race.Still the information in the piece needs some careful examination.Right out of the gate please notice that the site where the temperature record was broken is not the same as that where the photograph was taken dating to 2008.In material fact, the distance between … [Read more...]
Will Climate Change Destroy Half the World’s Beaches?
According to a claim making the rounds through the media, global “temperature is expected to rise by 2.8° C at the end of this century due to climate change. This … will cause sea levels to rise, causing half of the world’s beaches to disappear.” My current search turned up at least a dozen more references that reconfirm the rampant pack-journalism mentality in today’s media. A quick read of the article below suggests several misinterpretations indulged in by the reporter.1) The only reason for … [Read more...]
Which Is the Greater Threat to San Diego? Climate Change, or Earthquake?
The Los Angeles Times manages to take its usual, circuitous way around to tell us its grim story, but in the end has made my point that natural cataclysmic events like plagues, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms and rare unscheduled visits by a celestial object present a far greater, and over time, a more real and present danger to humankind than any imagined threat from gradual climate change, whether it be caused by human agency or nature. The media should be ashamed of themselves for … [Read more...]
Is Yellowstone Cauldron a Bigger Threat to Human Life than Climate Change?
The intimidating arrogance of some on Wall Street is exceeded only by the loud-mouthed climate alarmists who are misinforming them. That's about the best explanation I can come up with for a claim by JP Morgan economists David Mackie and Jessica Murray in January that Climate change threatens "human life as we know it."The massive ice sheets that define Antarctica and Greenland are going nowhere fast in the near term. That eventuality must await the end of the last great Ice Age. There may well … [Read more...]
Oil Giant Knuckles Under to Climate Alarmists—Needlessly
It's a crying shame that BP, which along with ExxonMobil and other major oil companies once made up the "Seven Sisters," has again let itself be mau-maued to the extent of caving in to demands by the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and other organizations constituting Big Enviro. It announced in February that it “is leaving the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, a lobby group for the U.S. oil and petrochemicals sector, and the Western States Petroleum Association, the largest … [Read more...]
Are Little Quakes in Western Tennessee Precursors of “The Big One”?
The Raleigh, NC, News and Observer was on the case of “The Big One,” with a story February 4 about a cluster of tiny quakes in far western Tennessee. From the text of Ms. Simore Jasper's story I cannot find a reference to any quake larger than a magnitude 3. It remains a matter of conjecture whether the residents of Dyersburg, TN, actually felt any effects of a 2.7 or were inspired by the power of suggestion. The mentioned 1.3 quake is so weak that it could not “hit” anything at the … [Read more...]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Blames Global Warming for Wildfires
“CALIFORNIA BURNING”Better pour yourselves another cup of decaf, before you read this, California.AOC wouldn't recognize climate change if it were staring her straight in the face.The real cause underlying California’s annual spate of fires is the dearth of workable forestry management practices in Sacramento. That is added to the failure of local government officials to enact and enforce effective zoning restrictions on residential development in fire-prone areas. Sprawling … [Read more...]
Under-reported tropical storm Imelda nevertheless makes herself known to residents of southeastern Texas.
Tropical Depression Imelda is not receiving the extensive media attention she deserves, ostensibly because it did not come ashore with hurricane force winds, and not even as a tropical storm, but as a sprawling tropical depression accompanied by vast amounts of moisture.Still, the damage from the flooding inflicted by its 35-40 inches of rain that has fallen over the past two days continues to render low-lying portions of southeastern Texas, including the greater Houston area, wet indeed.In … [Read more...]
YouTube Is Fighting against Scientific Inquiry and the Expansion of Human Knowledge
This article was co-authored by E. Calvin Beisner. Curiously, the mainstream media seem to have ignored the story, but it’s an important one. Buzzfeed reported August 7 that “YouTube Is Fighting Back Against Climate Misinformation.” As of July 9, “YouTube is now adding fact checks to videos that question climate change … as a part of its ongoing effort to combat the rampant misinformation and conspiratorial fodder on its platform.” But neither YouTube nor Wikipedia, the source … [Read more...]
Are Record Temperatures Evidence of Manmade Global Warming?
It is a slam-dunk certainty that American mainstream media will seize upon a recent story in the Los Angeles Times, “Southern California sets all-time heat records amid broiling conditions,” as justification for its continuing support of the contested theory of man-caused global warming. It has already happened with a Yahoo News story claiming that the new temperature records world-wide prove man causes climate change. But there are problems in pursuing that path. First, days that reach … [Read more...]