I live India. It is not uncommon for me to come across those who live in abject poverty. But the coronavirus pandemic has shown me, and others, how bad the consequences of poverty can be. The nationwide lockdown began in March last week. It is scheduled to end in May. But the damage is already done—not only by the coronavirus, but also by the loss of livelihood for millions. It is estimated that 300 million in India are under the poverty line. Many others are daily wage laborers. Day after day, … [Read more...]
As We Spend Earth Day Inside, Let’s Get Creative about Conservation
Why incentives matter more than ever this Earth Day. Guest column by Hannah Downey and Holly FretwellIt is sobering that much of the world will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day sheltered inside. Rather than wandering in nature, we are wondering what comes next. In the midst of this uncertainty, politicians and interest groups are still finding time to push for environmental regulations. In passing the most recent coronavirus-response legislation, intended for emergency economic … [Read more...]
Coronavirus and the Environment: What’s Up?
A friend of Cornwall Alliance points out that with most of the driving and large parts of the economies shut down around the world, air pollution emissions are declining, as are carbon dioxide emissions, so many environmentalists celebrate these results and think they point toward a better world.Yes, there’s been lots of discussion of the “environmental benefits” of the “lockdown” designed to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2: fewer people driving to and from work, and fewer factories operating, … [Read more...]
Mutating virus panic into climate crisis scares
In the first several weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, the media alternated between providing information on the scope and possible dreadful consequences of the contagion and vilifying President Trump over his supposed failures in managing the pandemic. Conspicuously absent from the coverage was any attempt to link the pandemic to man-made climate change. This was odd because nearly every tragedy over the last twenty or thirty years has somehow been connected by the media to global warming and … [Read more...]
The Relentless Pursuit of Doomsday Dogma Amid Coronavirus Crisis
The world is in the middle of the coronavirus crisis and economies are crashing. No one expects doomsayers to talk about climate change at times like these.But that’s exactly what some people have done. In their relentless pursuit to promote the doomsday agenda, doomsayers inculcate the masses with more misleading information on climate change. Last week, Barack Obama tweeted a LA times news article criticizing the current administration and commented, “We've seen all too terribly the … [Read more...]
Enough Already With The Help
Yours truly was one of many who early on cheered the government for aggressively curbing everyone’s activity to slow the spread of COVID-19.At the time, it seemed such a clear choice between life and death. Admittedly, I was squeamish endorsing government controls, something I’ve spent decades writing to oppose. What could possibly go wrong?As Benjamin Franklin said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."Franklin … [Read more...]
Test All Things, Hold Fast What Is Good—But How?
A reader recently forwarded to us an email from a fine Christian ministry that bemoaned the proliferation of "fake news" and other bad thinking on the Internet in the novel Coronavirus pandemic. She asked, "The very thing I've been thinking, and one of the reasons I dislike watching the news — too many lies. Who do you believe? What do you believe? Your thoughts?"Ah, the perennial questions: Whom do you believe? What do you believe?But better is the question, How do you decide what to believe? … [Read more...]
Choosing the Economy over People’s Lives?
The current novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has stimulated all kinds of questions. As more and more people begin to demand that the more extreme measures to curb its spread---those that are shuttering a large part of our economy---come to an end, one of the most common is whether such thinking involves prioritizing the economy over lives. Is it not pro-life to insist that we continue the widespread shutdown of our economy in the name of saving lives?That's what drew this email from one … [Read more...]
The Forgotten Benefits of Global Warming
Most discussions of global warming, or “climate change,” proceed on the assumption that warming is bad, and only bad—for people, for animals, and for plants. That assumption is mistaken.While global warming will almost certainly bring some harms to some locations, it will also almost certainly bring some benefits to other locations. Indeed, in some places it will almost certainly bring both harms and benefits.Understanding a very basic element of “greenhouse” warming theory will help us grasp … [Read more...]
Beyond the Blinders: Economic Progress in the Age of Radical Environmentalism
The dominant global narrative is that the world is overpopulated and we are exhausting natural resources.With the ongoing hysteria surrounding climate change, some even go so far as to suggest that human population growth is the cancer of the earth.But what if I told you that these fears are baseless? That innovation and invention are making resources less scarce over time, even as population and resource consumption rise? That our ability to adapt improves as the world changes?Here are … [Read more...]
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