In response to growing concerns about climate change and other environmental problems, an entrepreneur, Douglas Eger, has proposed a new kind of corporation, a Natural Asset Company (NAC). Eger is the CEO of the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG), an organization that, in partnership with the New York Stock Exchange, “is providing a platform to list ‘Natural Asset Companies’” in order “to take them public and enable the conversion of natural wealth into financial wealth.”As the idea has been … [Read more...]
EPA Now Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place on CO2
There are lots of happy reports on the Supreme Court’s ruling throwing out EPA’s so-called Clean Power Plan. Some go so far as to suggest that EPA is barred from regulating power plant CO2 emissions.It is not quite that simple and the result is rather amusing. EPA is still required to regulate CO2 under the terms of the Clean Air Act, but that Act provides no way to do that regulation. The Clean Power Plan attempted to expand an obscure minor clause in the Act to do the job but SCOTUS correctly … [Read more...]
The SEC’s Climate-Disclosure Rules Violate the First Amendment
This article summarizes the argument of the author’s more technical article, “What’s ‘Controversial’ About ESG? A Theory of Compelled Commercial Speech under the First Amendment.”The SEC is on the cusp of enacting rules to compel companies to disclose “climate risk.” Commentators have critiqued the rules as misguided and beyond the SEC’s statutory authority. But the proposed rules have a more fundamental flaw that will doom them when the inevitable court challenges are filed. The rules … [Read more...]
Environmentalism and the Developing World
June 30th was Thomas Sowell's 92nd birthday.“Those who are primarily concerned about the well-being of the poor are likely to discover over time that much of the agenda of the Left does not really do much good for the poor, and some of that agenda—environmental extremism, for example—actually makes the poor worse off.”---Thomas SowellWe in developing countries dread the Left’s extreme environmentalism, which is already wreaking havoc on federal government-approved drilling projects across around … [Read more...]
UAH Global Temperature Update for June 2022: +0.06 deg. C
The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June 2022 was +0.06 deg. C, down (again) from the May 2022 value of +0.17 deg. C.Tropical CoolnessThe tropical (20N-20S) anomaly for June was -0.36 deg. C, which is the coolest monthly anomaly in over 10 years, the coolest June in 22 years, and the 9th coolest June in the 44-year satellite record.The linear warming trend since January, 1979 still stands at +0.13 C/decade (+0.11 C/decade over the global-averaged … [Read more...]
Dark Clouds on the Horizon for Electric Vehicles
There are a couple of dark clouds hanging over the optimistic growth of electric vehicles (EV’s) that may decimate the supply chain of lithium to make the EV batteries, and how to safely transport EV’s across wide oceans.1. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is expected to classify lithium carbonate, chloride, and hydroxide as dangerous for human health. The decision is expected to be reached by early next year.2. The recent (March 2022) sinking of a cargo ship with 4,000 vehicles, from a fire … [Read more...]
EV’s Fossil Fuel Economy No Better than ICE Vehicles
Most of the electricity generated in the U.S. continues to come from fossil fuels (61% in 2021). This is not likely to change much in the future as electricity demand is increasing faster than renewables (20% of total in 2020 and 20.1% of total in 2021) can close the gap versus fossil fuels. Given that fact, it is interesting to ask the question:Which uses fossil fuels more efficiently, an EV or ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicle?Most of what you will read about EVs versus ICE … [Read more...]
Denying the binary: Why socialism and sexual perversion go hand in hand
Back in 1987, World magazine published an article by veteran journalist Garry John Moes that asked, “Is there a connection between Socialist doctrine and the homosexual rights movement?”That striking lead disturbed me. While the article presented clear evidence that there is, in fact, such a connection, it didn’t answer a corollary question: Why is there a connection between homosexuality and socialism?Why, for instance, did Plato endorse both socialism and … [Read more...]
In Pandering to the Green Left, Biden Is Underwriting China’s Genocide of Uyghurs
Last June, the Biden administration was so concerned about China's use of Uyghur Muslim slave labor to produce the polysilicon needed for solar panels that it imposed bans on imports of that product from some Chinese manufacturers.But that was last year before the domestic solar industry went into free fall due to a Commerce Department investigation into allegations of dumping that effectively halted the import of solar panels from four southeast Asia countries that were accused of … [Read more...]
Testimony: “How the Biden Administration and the Global Anti-Fossil-Fuel Movement Caused an Energy Crisis and Inflated Our Cost of Living”
Today the House Freedom Caucus held an off-site hearing: “Addressing Bidenflation and Biden’s Energy Crisis.” I was a witness, along with former Texas Governor and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, economist Stephen Moore, and Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma. Here is the written testimony I submitted. You can watch my testimony, as well as my answers to all the Representatives’ questions, in the video below.In 2016, I testified in front of the Senate Environment and Public Works … [Read more...]
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