Guest contribution by Dr. Roger Pielke Jr., formerly Professor of Environmental Studies and now director of the Sports Governance Center in the Department of Athletics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is the author of The Rightful Place of Science: Disasters & Climate Change and other books.Earlier this week a paper published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) by a team of authors led by Aslak Grinsted, a scientist who studies ice sheets at the … [Read more...]
Climate change: a first-world problem?
Ever heard of “first world problems”? Like home Internet quitting for 15 minutes? Bad mobile signal? Online deliveries arriving late? Can’t fast-forward live TV? A closet full of clothes but “nothing to wear”? Sitting near an infant on a flight to Bali? Chipped nail polish?My quick survey suggests that, at least for Christians in developing countries, climate change/global warming is a “first world problem.”Sure, the politicians and bureaucrats in other countries care about climate … [Read more...]
What about geoengineering?
Recently someone wrote asking, " How does geoengineering factor in with your Climate Change beliefs?"The Cornwall Alliance as a body hasn’t addressed this question, so what I say here is solely my own thinking.The answer depends heavily on what one means by geoengineering. Humankind has been engineering the earth in many ways, small and large, for thousands of years: building dams, felling forests, planting crops, digging canals and aqueducts, draining swamps, irrigating deserts, building roads … [Read more...]
Recommended Sources on Global Warming/Climate Change
People often ask us for recommendations of things to read or view to help them grasp the arguments over global warming.For instance, “What would be the best book/article which critiques the global warming hysteria?” Or “What’s a good short, simple thing to read about climate change?” Or “What should I give to my scientist friend that will show that serious climate scientists question the idea of catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming?”Many resources come to mind. Below are some … [Read more...]
How well do climate models simulate global temperature?
Earlier today I blogged on an article at Daily Caller about Dr. William Happer's resignation from the National Security Council. I pointed out that climate models simulate much more warming than actually observed over the relevant period.Someone responded, "Complete and utter bull^*@%. The modeling is accurate."Ignore the vulgarity's telltale sign that this wasn't by someone with a particularly scientific mindset.Is he correct in saying, "The modeling is accurate"?One needn't speculate to answer … [Read more...]
Daily Caller toes climate alarmist line on Happer resignation
The resignation of Dr. Will Happer, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Princeton and one of America's finest physicists, from the National Security Council (NSC) is an important event. It is a sign of just how difficult it is to overcome the "deep state's" stranglehold on government policy, despite the fact that President Donald Trump is at the helm.Happer was tapped for the NSC with the expectation that he would head a Presidential Council on Climate Security (PCCS), one function of which would … [Read more...]
Time to Eat Uncle Jim to Protect the Climate?
How far will people go to fight climate change? You might have thought you'd seen the limits. Think again.Banning fossil fuels and prescribing "renewable energy" is so last century. Urging vegetarianism or veganism is so last decade. Pushing for population control is so last year. Embracing abortion is so yesterday.If you really want to be cutting edge, you need to think about family. As in, your uncle Jim and cousin Mary.As in, eating them after they die.That, after all, would reduce your … [Read more...]
The Real Motives Behind Green New America and its Radical Undertone
Do you hold a moderate or neutral opinion on climate? Then get ready to be sidelined or blacklisted as a “denier” or “dangerous person” by the growing number of radicals who believe there should be no room for dissent.Welcome to the Green New America.In earlier days, the color Green was largely associated with nature and the abundance of life. In the 20th century, Green became the symbol of the fight against all things that destroys the environment. In the U.S., the color Green took a new form … [Read more...]
Climate Alarmists Make Evangelical College Students the Bull’s Eye
For over a decade, evangelicals have been the most skeptical subset of the American population about claims of catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming (CAGW).Don’t count on their staying that way.Recently Physics World reported on an experiment conducted at three evangelical colleges to see how students’ views about global warming/climate change would shift if they viewed a professionally done one-hour presentation designed to persuade them that it’s real, mainly human-induced, dangerous, and … [Read more...]
21st Century Sea Level Rise: 6 Feet, or 3 Inches?
Three years ago, YaleEnvironment360, published by the reliably climate-alarmist Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, ran "Abrupt Sea Level Rise Looms As Increasingly Realistic Threat," by Nicola Jones, a freelance journalist specializing in chemistry and oceanography.The article followed the standard formula of warnings about climate change and its catastrophic consequences: present a scary hypothesis as if it were a fait accompli."Ninety-nine percent of the planet’s freshwater ice … [Read more...]
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