Is this the End of the Beginning, or the Beginning of the End? On November 10, 1942, after British and Commonwealth forces defeated the Germans and Italians at the Second Battle of El Alamein, taking nearly 30,000 prisoners, Winston Churchill told the British Parliament, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” In The Hinge of Fate, volume 3 of his marvelous 6-volume history of World War II, published eight years later, he … [Read more...]
#SanFranciscoKnew—What Did San Francisco Know about Climate Change, and When Did It Know It?
David Johnson, who follows us on Facebook, brought our attention to this article, which demonstrates that some California cities, including San Francisco, which with Oakland is suing five major oil companies including ExxonMobil, alleging that the companies suppressed from their stockholders what they knew about the risks of climate change to their stocks' future value, are guilty of exactly that practice themselves in dealing with their bondholders. Here's the essence of the story: ... consider … [Read more...]
Forget Climate Change, Defend America!
George Orwell, call your office. In what Huffington Post's Alexander Kaufman called "an Orwellian rhetorical shift away from a scientific reality," the Department of Defense "scrubbed its latest National Defense Strategy of all references to climate change." In all likelihood, Orwell would call the 30-year campaign for climate alarmism---with all its oxymoronic appeals to "scientific consensus," its sleight-of-hand temperature data homogenizations, its revisions of past data to exaggerate … [Read more...]
Monckton Writes to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Clean Power Plan
We're delighted that our friend Viscount Christopher Monckton, one of the leading critics of climate alarmism, allowed us to publish this letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, with which we wholeheartedly agree. We encourage citizens to make their own opinions known to Administrator Pruitt. By the way, what comes out of the "smokestacks" in the photo below is not smoke but water vapor (the white condensing steam) and carbon dioxide, not a pollutant but an … [Read more...]
After 20 Years, No New Global Temperature Record
[The article below by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer, reprinted from his blog by permission, reports that the linear warming trend from 1970--2017 was 0.13 deg. C per decade. The computer climate models on which the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the negotiators of the 2015 Paris climate agreement rely simulate a warming trend of 0.216 deg. C per decade, i.e., two-thirds faster than actually measured, and that … [Read more...]
Blessing or Curse? The Curious Case of Carbon Dioxide
In recent decades, select groups of scientists and politicians have blamed carbon dioxide (CO2) -- a greenhouse gas -- for increasing global temperatures to dangerous levels. Is CO2 really destroying our planet? CO2 is an odorless, invisible, trace gas in the atmosphere that acts as an important source of life for everything that lives on earth. In fact, plant and animal life on earth would be impossible without CO2. CO2 is an integral part of the photosynthesis process. Plants … [Read more...]
Is Climate Change a National Security Threat? The Answer Is Blowin’ in the (Political) Wind
Let me see if I understand this. For the under President Obama, climate alarmists kept telling us that since the Administration officially said climate change was a threat to national security, we had to believe it, because ... government says so, that's why. Now the Trump Administration has released its new National Security Strategy, and it has officially removed climate change from the list of national security threats. Does that mean we don't have to take climate change seriously … [Read more...]
Have Fewer Kids to Fight Climate Change?
Because “having one fewer child reduces one’s contribution to the harms of climate change,” Travis Rieder argues, “everyone on Earth ought to consider having fewer children.” Rieder confesses that “this is an uncomfortable discussion.” He says he’s “certainly not arguing that we should shame parents, or even that we’re obligated to have a certain number of children.” But on his grounds, why shouldn’t we? If he thinks we’re morally obligated to limit our childbearing, shame would seem the … [Read more...]
Bonn: Funeral for the Paris Agreement
Media are abuzz with the climate conference at Bonn. The conference seeks to strengthen the commitments made by signatories of the Paris Agreement. The UNFCCC, the wing of the United Nations responsible for ‘tackling’ climate change, has been advocating for immediate actions to mitigate what it calls Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW). The storyline at climate change conferences remains the same—a continuous clarion call to decrease carbon dioxide emissions, the greenhouse … [Read more...]
The Paris Agreement: A Fairytale’s Failure
The Paris Agreement is all set to become a massive failure. Major member states of the Paris agreement are set to miss the deadlines to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. Why is it a debacle? The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) states that the Paris Agreement’s aim is to limit the global temperature rise to below 1.5–2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, by the end of this century. To accomplish this target, it required member states to commit … [Read more...]
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