Conservatives, Christian and non-Christian alike, share concerns about civil and religious liberty, abortion and the sanctity of human life, human trafficking and pornography and how they damage families, fiscal responsibility in government, and poverty. What many don’t know is that there are links between climate alarmism and every one of these issues. Let me take them in reverse order. First, climate alarmism undermines fiscal responsibility in government. Not only do governments … [Read more...]
The Dangerous Linkage of Government and Science—Ike Was Right
President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a great man, a true lover of liberty, and very suspicious of the power of government at the same time that he recognized its necessity. Millions of Americans would benefit enormously from reading his Farewell Address. Most have heard of the "military-industrial complex" but don't know that it was Eisenhower who warned of it. Very few know that in the same speech he warned of the twin dangers of government dominance in scientific research and of a … [Read more...]
Freeman Dyson, World’s Top Physicist, Calls Out Obama, and Supports Cornwall Alliance Open Letter
Why did one of the world's top physicists—ever—sign the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation's Open Letter to Pope Francis on Climate Change, which challenges climate alarmism, though he's a liberal, a Democrat, likes President Obama, and has a strong background in climate science? My latest article at explains. His reasons for signing that are also good reasons to sign our petition, Forget 'Climate Change', Energy Empowers the Poor! … [Read more...]
Bernie Sanders Said What About Climate Change?
What's wrong with Democratic Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders's claim that climate change is the No. 1 threat to national security and could leave the world uninhabitable? My latest article in explains. Greener on the Other Side: Climate Models Agree, Nature is Wrong! … [Read more...]
Climate Skeptics: Bought By Fossil Fuel Companies?
This video is worth watching and sharing. Well-known scientists, scholars, and policy leaders respond to accusations of receiving money from oil companies, and reveal where their funding really comes from. … [Read more...]
What the Dems said about climate change
The money quote on climate change in the first Democratic presidential "debate" was Senator Bernie Sanders's response to moderator Anderson Cooper's question, "what is the greatest national security threat to the United States?" "The scientific community is telling us," Sanders said, "that if we do not address the global crisis of climate change, transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy, the planet that we’re going to be leaving our kids and our grandchildren may … [Read more...]
Climate Change’s Great Legacy: International Wealth Redistribution
A $Trillion here, a $Trillion there---pretty soon you're talking real money. No, I'm not talking about the U.S. national debt, now at over $18 trillion. That's a very bad thing that threatens to impoverish our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I'm talking about the $Trillions being demanded by developing-world countries from rich countries (primarily the United States) as the price of their signing onto a global agreement to cut CO2 emissions at COP21 in Paris in … [Read more...]
Green Climate Fund Gets a Slow Start
The $100 billion slush fund---er, Green Climate Fund---created at the COP17 climate summit in Durban, South Africa, is supposed to redistribute money from wealthy developed countries to poor developing countries (or at least to the thugs who run them). Call it a kind of penalty for the developed countries' having overcome poverty before the developing ones, raising atmospheric CO2 concentration along the way, igniting sudden and catastrophic global warming (absent for the last 18 years and 8 … [Read more...]
“The Pause” Remains 18 Years 8 Months Despite Strong El Niño
Each month when RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) updates its global average temperature data, Lord Christopher Monckton calculates how far back one can go in the RSS record without showing a positive trend, i.e., how long "the pause" is. It's been lengthening for several years and as of the end of August had reached 18 years and 8 months. Now, with a strong El Niño developing in the Pacific, the calculation yields a new starting point---not January of 1997 but February. We might say we've hit a … [Read more...]
Climate Skeptics: Bought By Fossil Fuel Companies?
The 30+ scholars---scientists, economists, theologians, and more, interviewed for Cornwall Alliance's Greener on the Other Side: Climate Alarmism---Facts, Not Fear video series---address in this latest video the charge that they're in the pocket of "Big Oil" or the fossil fuel industry in general. A few quotes: "The idea that I'm getting paid off by somebody else is amusing. My principal source of income is the Social Security Administration."---Thomas P. Sheahen, Ph.D., Physics, Director, … [Read more...]
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