In recent years, controversy over climate change has created significant confusion and division among Christians. Conflicting voices in the evangelical community have made the issue even more difficult.Our response should be grounded in Biblical principles, scientific understanding, and a commitment to human flourishing. In this article, we will aim to clear the air and promote an appropriate response by addressing three distinct perspectives that have emerged: forecasting an imminent global … [Read more...]
Repeal Biden’s Entire Destructive Climate Change Program
This piece originally appeared at and has been republished here with permission. The following is a guest article by David M. Simon The next president and Congress should repeal every aspect of the Biden administration’s climate change legislative and regulatory program.It is economically destructive, damages national security, and at most will have a barely detectable impact on global temperatures.It should never have been pursued, moreover, because strong scientific … [Read more...]
Awaiting the Death of Climate Skeptics
This blog received the following comment from our alarmist friend David Appell, freelance writer:“Roy, nobody who is serious about climate change takes you seriously. You’re a denier who has made too many mistakes. No one who knows anything is going to bother commenting here–they upset you so much that all you can think to do is block them.You long ago left the realm of science. As they say, science advances one funeral at a time. Nobody believes your time series anyway. You did that to … [Read more...]
UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2024: +0.96 deg. C
The Version 6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for September, 2024 was +0.96 deg. C departure from the 1991-2020 mean, up from the August, 2024 anomaly of +0.88 deg. C.The linear warming trend since January, 1979 remains at +0.16 C/decade (+0.14 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.21 C/decade over global-averaged land).The following table lists various regional LT departures from the 30-year (1991-2020) average for the last 21 months (record highs are in … [Read more...]
“Green” Objectives Stifle Economic Growth in the Developing World
The following is a guest article by Ronald Stein, Dr. Robert Jeffrey, and Olivia Vaughan.About 80% of the globe’s 8 billion people live in less developed countries. Much of Africa and South-East Asia are prime examples of this, as are the Pacific Ocean Island states. The people in those countries might live on less than $10 per day. Still, the greater problem is that they have little or no access to reliable electricity or to the many products manufactured using fossil fuels and their … [Read more...]
U.S. Swings and Misses in Energy Competition
The following is a guest article by Dr. Wallace Manheimer.Who can develop reliable, cheap, clean power? In the parlance of baseball, the U.S. led early with a leadoff home run. It invented, developed and perfected the first ultra-super critical (USC) coal-powered plant. Coming online in 2012, the 600-megawatt (MW) John W. Turk Jr. Coal Plant in Arkansas employed new technology, most notably, an advance in metallurgy that allowed pipes and boilers to operate for extended periods at extremely … [Read more...]
The Real Cause of Weather-Related Deaths
Despite fearmongering about climate change supercharging natural disasters, weather-related deaths have declined dramatically.According to the Emergency Event Database, the total global deaths per decade from climate-related disasters has fallen by more than 96% since the 1920s. Data show that between 1960 and 2020, there was an unprecedented decrease in climate-related deaths compared to the period between 1920 and 1959.This decline is even more impressive considering that … [Read more...]
The Rhetoric of Politicized Science
We have arrived at full immersion in the political season. From now until election day and likely weeks beyond, political rhetoric, which has become dangerously incendiary, will flourish. And the public continues to be exposed to excessive hyperbole, distortions, and omissions of facts.Such exposure has come to be expected in the world of politics. But unfortunately, political speech tactics have also crept into the dissemination of scientific information to the public.Examples of political … [Read more...]
Human CO2 Emissions Are Supercharging Corn Yields
How can carbon dioxide, which has been portrayed as a dangerous pollutant threatening the very existence of humankind, be considered even remotely beneficial? Sadly, such a question can be expected from people – children and adults – who have been fed irrational fears in place of well-established science that shows CO2 to be an irreplaceable food for plants and necessary for all life. Even some who recognize CO2 as sustenance consider increasing atmospheric concentrations of the gas … [Read more...]
Why Are Renewable Equipment Companies Such Poor Investments?
Headlines promote renewable energy equipment companies as part of efforts to transition to Net Zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Wind and solar system providers, electric vehicle manufacturers, green hydrogen producers, and other green equipment firms form a growing share of world industry. But renewable equipment firms suffer poor market returns, so investors should beware. The Renewable Energy Industrial Index (RENIXX) is a global stock index of the 30 largest renewable energy … [Read more...]
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