As The Washington Times recently reported, a University of Colorado (at Colorado Springs) professor recently told his class that no debate would be allowed on climate change. The course is entitled, Medical Humanities in the Digital Age (whatever the heck that means and whatever the heck that has to do with climate change). The professor went on to quote a completely bogus statistic that is an ongoing favorite of climate alarmists saying, “Opening up a debate that 98% of climate … [Read more...]
Climate Models: Uncertain? Inaccurate? What’s the Difference? Why Does it Matter?
For years I have been pointing out that the super-sophisticated computer climate models on which the IPCC, national environment agencies, national academies of science, and of course the many climate-alarmist advocacy groups and journalists depend for their predictions of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) predict, on average, 2 to 3 times the warming actually observed over the relevant periods; that they failed to predict the complete lack of statistically significant … [Read more...]
Sin, Deception, and the Corruption of Science: A Look at the So-Called Climate Crisis
Summary The climate crisis agenda provides an excellent training opportunity for Christians to “test all things, hold fast what is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) because it involves a revival of ancient pagan themes in science, the educational establishment, business, and politics. Sadly, it demonstrates how those themes are corrupting the scientific method that has contributed so much to the prosperity of Western civilization, founded as it was on several basic Biblical principles. Christians … [Read more...]
What does the Threat to Prosecute “Climate Deniers” Mean?
The threat by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and "AG's United for Clean Power" (a group of 17 attorneys general) to investigate and prosecute for fraud corporations and organizations questioning belief in manmade global warming so dangerous as to justify spending $Trillions to reduce it by fractions of a degree has some precedent. No, not in the prosecution of tobacco companies for covering up the evidence of their product's carcinogenicity. The biophysical link there was crystal clear … [Read more...]
Dangerous Global Warming—Now You See It, Now You Don’t
A picture can be worth a thousand words---especially if it's deliberately designed to mislead and scare people, because of course so many think "seeing is believing." That's why CAGW alarmists are so eager to show us pictures like this of the annual global surface temperature anomaly from 1850 to 2015: That comes from the UK's Met Office and shows (from three different data sources) the really frightening warming from about 1910 to about 1945 and the equally frightening warming from … [Read more...]
What Scientific Idiot Would Say this about Climate Change?
An email I received this morning included in its thread one from someone saying this: This morning I got out my little toy telescope and watched Mercury transiting the Sun. The striking fact was not the little black image of Mercury but the total absence of sunspots. I have seen many transits before this one, but never without sunspots. It seems the sun has gone to sleep as it did in the Maunder Minimum in the seventeenth century. In the seventeenth century we had the Little Ice Age and now … [Read more...]
Finding Nemo Suffocated?
One hardly knows where to begin in assessing the sanity of the recent claim that "climate change" (aka dangerous manmade global warming renamed to hide the fact that far less warming is happening than predicted) could suffocate---yes, suffocate!---sea creatures by reducing ocean oxygen levels. The scary story comes mainly from popular reports. Take, for example, how blogger Cat DiStasio ("a writer, storyteller, and community architect" who "holds a B.A. in Ethnic, Gender, and Labor … [Read more...]
“Climate Change”: A Leap of Faith?
Tonight at Duke University there will be a panel discussion titled “Climate Change Not a Leap of Faith.” Among the event hosts is the group Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, an offshoot of the Evangelical Environmental Network. They and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, the Nicholas School of the Environment, and the Kenan Institute for Ethics are bringing in the Nicholas Institute’s Amy Pickle, the Nicholas School’s Megan Mullin, the Kenan Institute’s David … [Read more...]
Why Was March 2016 the Warmest March in the Satellite Record?
UAH Principal Research Scientist and Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer just posted the monthly UAH satellite temperature update on his blog, and on global average, last month was the warmest March since satellite monitoring began in 1979. Predictably, climate scaremongers are hailing this as proof positive that our evil emissions of evil carbon dioxide from evil fossil fuels are driving us inexorably (Slate says we've "just reached a terrifying milestone"!) toward the tipping … [Read more...]
97% Consensus of Unqualified Scientists Isn’t Worth Much
Roy Spencer just published an excellent article bursting the "97% consensus" balloon. Here's an excerpt: The 97 percent number comes from a 2013 paper that was published by John Cook in Environmental Research Letters and that claimed to review about 12,000 published scientific papers on global warming and climate change. Now, for those of us who work in climate change research, it is well known that "climate change" is widely assumed to be mostly human-caused, despite the fact that very few … [Read more...]
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