It is easy to associate climate skepticism with the Republican Party and climate alarmism with the Democratic Party. It’s also easy to brand skeptics as beneficiaries of big oil and proponents of unfettered capitalism and alarmists as in the pocket of big wind and solar and boosters of socialist central planning.But attitudes about climate change transcend political ideologies, and they should.Here are a few reasons why I, as a climate scientist, am a skeptic.1. Will the Real Climate Change … [Read more...]
Wind and Solar Energy—Never Meant to Work?
What would you think if someone told you that one of the most important early champions of wind power touted it precisely because he thought it couldn't work for advanced, industrialized societies?"Aww, can't be true"?Well, it can be, and it is.In "The Question Concerning Technology" (1954), Martin Heidegger---one of the twentieth century's most influential philosophers, argued that "modern technology ... puts to nature the unreasonable demand that it supply energy which can be extracted and … [Read more...]
How the Wind Industry Gains by Losing
So you want to make a profit by selling what you produce. What do you do? Sell it for more than it costs you.But that's so old fashioned!Nowadays, you just get into the wind industry. You find state or local policymakers eager to virtue signal by supporting your renewable-, zero-carbon energy tech. And you get them to sign a contract that guarantees you get positive payment for your product even when its market price is negative.Rate- and taxpayers in Georgetown, TX, a small town outside the … [Read more...]
Does CO2 Control Temperature, or Vice Versa?
A Cornwall Alliance follower on Facebook wrote,I remember hearing someone reputable say once that the known historical record actually shows increases in CO2 after periods of warming, rather than before them. I believe might have been referencing ice core records among others. I found him persuasive, and if this is true, it seems it would be an important hurdle for climate change alarmists to get over. Agree/disagree, insight?Climatologist Dr. David Legates, a Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow, … [Read more...]
Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan – Crippling costs for no benefit
On April 29, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf released the latest version of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Climate Action Plan, announcing that Pennsylvania would join the U.S. Climate Alliance, a coalition of 24 states committed to implementing policies that support the Paris Agreement — an international collaboration from which the U.S. has withdrawn.According to the governor, “states like Pennsylvania must take action to reduce greenhouse gas … [Read more...]
Why Does Global Warming Happen at the Poles though Few People Live There?
Some people wonder, "Why is global warming happening down/up there at the poles if it is because of man? There aren't too many of people living there to cause any problem."Good, common-sense question. But there’s actually a solid answer to it that suits both alarmists and skeptics about anthropogenic global warming.Local anthropogenic warming, usually called “urban heat island effect” (UHI), is the localized warming stemming from increased absorption of incoming solar energy by blacktop, … [Read more...]
California Democrats Fail to Denounce the Egregious Proliferation of Child Labor in the EV supply chain
In an April 23rd Press Release, California Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore, announced that her Assembly Bill 735, at which this writer testified in favor of on April 22nd, the Air Quality Improvement Program: Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, which stops the use of child labor in the supply chains of electric vehicles, failed in the Assembly Transportation Committee.Capitol Democrats are placing the burdens of reaching environmental goals using electric vehicles on the backs of … [Read more...]
The World’s Gone Mad
I have little but respect and admiration for Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede who has launched a worldwide movement of students on strike from school to protest anthropogenic climate change. I think she's mistaken, and I'm inclined to agree with British climate scientist Piers Corbyn that she's being manipulated, but she seems sincere in her beliefs, and she's acting on them. Lots of adults could take that lesson from her.But, despite her having been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, … [Read more...]
Does Overproduction of CO2 Harm the Environment?
Recently someone wrote this to the Cornwall Alliance:I saw the following comment recently posted online in regard to a climate change column & I'd like to respond to him thoughtfully & intelligently: "CO2 when overproduced acts as a pollutant which our environment can not properly use to make oxygen. It acts as a thermal blanket which raises the temperature steadily. This also harms the oceanic life which plays a key role in converting the CO2." He mentions 3 'facts' here … [Read more...]
Are Climate Alarmists Waking Up to Their Hypocrisy? London Mayor Calls Out Protestors
During the Easter weekend, London Mayor Sadiq Khan made a surprise plea to climate protestors. He asked them to end their protests, which he said caused disorder problem in the world’s iconic city.It is not common for a pro-alarmist leader to call for an end to a climate protest. Are more diplomats and leaders waking up to the insanity of climate protests across the globe? Will we see more politicians and celebrities expose the rampant hypocrisy in the climate alarmist movement?Climate … [Read more...]
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