The 38th through 41st chapters of the Book of Job are among the most majestic, awe-inspiring passages in all literature, inside and outside the Bible. I cannot read them and not feel small, humbled by the omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience of God. They record questions God hurls rapid-fire, “out of the whirlwind,” at Job to impress on him his utter inability to control or even to explain the day-to-day events of the world. Here are a few, from Job 38:4–20: Where were you when I laid … [Read more...]
What alternatives to fossil fuels can support our leisurely lifestyle?
Unless you’re living in a time warp of the horse and buggy days, when humans were friendlier to the environment, but limited to travel as far as they could walk or as far as their horse would take them, you’re stuck reminiscing on those good-old emission free days without fossil fuels when lives were dirty, smelly, difficult – and short. Today, for those enjoying the lifestyle of the industrialized society, virtually everything you see, touch, and use in your daily life is derived from the … [Read more...]
Why Solar and Wind Are Not the Future
Wind and solar are hailed as the future of our world. Are they? Wind farms were a familiar sight for me as they were an integral part of the landscape near my hometown in southern India. The general assumption was that these windmills would generate a significant amount of electricity to aid the energy sector that was struggling to meet soaring electricity demand. However, the wind farms turned out to be a burden, not a boon. They generated unreliable and expensive electricity that was … [Read more...]
What Do You Get When You Mix Socialism with Pursuit of Profits from Renewable Energy?
The latest from the climate alarmism's anti-capitalism department: Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (parent of the 2015 Paris climate agreement) and now a leader in "Mission 2020," an international cooperative effort to get global carbon dioxide emissions on a downward trend by 2020, is upset with heavy industry---especially (not surprisingly!) in the United States. She told Thomson Reuters Foundation News that heavy … [Read more...]
The Myths of Indian Climate Catastrophe vs. Promising Reality
Proponents of climate alarmism have long claimed that developing countries like India will be the worst affected by climate change. Their claims cannot be farther from reality. With a population of 1.3 billion people and millions emigrating out of the country every year, India’s contribution to the global economy is significant. Traditionally agrarian, India has become increasingly dependent on its growing industrial sector. The country’s energy sector serves as the backbone of its … [Read more...]
In Climate Science We Trust
Many religious people want to be at the forefront of the fight against climate change. They believe it is their spiritual duty. Acting on climate forecasts and analysis, they are inspired to save people and the planet from the evils of fossil fuels. They are convinced that if God was on the planet in person, he would certainly trust the prognostic ability of climate scientists to discern the Earth’s climate decades into the future. And, with the scientists’ sacrosanct ability to confidently … [Read more...]
Beware EPA ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ Models
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could scientifically determine the cumulative costs or benefits that result over the next three hundred years from our choices in the present? It may be nice, but it is impossible. ” “Because [mainstream climate] models produced such wildly different results depending on the projections and assumptions baked in the mathematical cake, economist Robert Pindyck concluded after an extensive review of such models that they are so badly flawed as to make them virtually … [Read more...]
Great Victory for Freedom of Debate and Integrity of Science—Canadian Court Vindicates Climate Skeptic Timothy Ball
Dr. Timothy Ball, a climatologist and former professor at University of Winnipeg and outspoken critic of climate alarmism, won a huge victory in a Canadian court yesterday. As longtime friends of Tim's and admirers of his courageous work for the cause of truth and climate sanity, we at the Cornwall Alliance congratulate him. His son reported to Anthony Watts of yesterday, "This morning the judge dismissed all charges in the lawsuit brought against Tim by BC Green Party … [Read more...]
Has Scott Pruitt Brought Armageddon to the EPA?
According to two former Administrators, current federal Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has set the agency back by anything from several years to as much as three decades due to “regulatory rollbacks, mass attrition and budget cuts.” That sounds ominous. It isn’t. At present EPA is operating under FY2017 funding levels. While projected FY2018 funding cuts will be substantial, they have not yet taken place. The FY2018 budget’s 28% reduction for the Superfund program … [Read more...]
Trump Departs from Mainstream Climate Alarmism in SOTU, Speaks on ‘Beautiful’ Coal
In his State of the Union address, American President Donald Trump steered clear of explicit reference to climate change, but to the dismay of climate doomsday propagandists, he declared coal “beautiful and clean.” What does this mean for America and the developing nations, whose fossil fuel-based energy infrastructures, and hence their economies, face the threat of a forced conversion to renewables in the name of combating global warming? Trump’s marked departure from mainstream climate … [Read more...]
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