Last year Mitchell Hescox, CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network, teamed up with television meteorologist Paul Douglas to write Caring for Creation: The Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment (Bethany House). Their hearts are in the right place, but their understanding of global climate-change science is seriously deficient, and the result could be a cure worse than the disease—especially for the billions of poor around the world. Anthony Sadar, a veteran … [Read more...]
The Trump Climate Dump: Why It Doesn’t Matter if Even 100% of Scientists Agree on Global Warming
Given current technologies, it makes no sense to destroy $100 Trillion in wealth this century for an unmeasurable reduction in warming. The more efficiently we can do those things, the greater humanity prospers. Affordable energy is part of that efficiency. Everything humans do requires energy. Everything. But when human prosperity suffers, people die. So, can it really be called “anti-science” that the moment Trump was inaugurated, the White House deleted all references to climate … [Read more...]
Trump’s NOAA Administrator Must Address the Temperature Record Controversy
An article appeared in the Washington Post yesterday entitled, “Who Will Lead NOAA Under President Trump?“. Written by the Capitol Weather Gang’s Jason Samenow, it lists three top contenders: Scott Rayder, senior adviser for development and partnerships at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Barry Myers, chief executive of AccuWeather in State College, Pa. Jonathan White, president and chief executive of the Consortium for Ocean Leadership The article addresses important … [Read more...]
Will Trump Admin Destroy Climate Data?
Encountered the claims by climate-alarmist scientists that the incoming Trump Administration will destroy climate data? Here's a sober assessment of such, by Judith Curry. If I were among climate alarmists, I might be frightened by the prospect of the Administration's preserving ALL the data, AND all the homogenizations of it, AND all the computer code and instructions about how to do the homogenizations, because all that's the evidence of shenanigans to exaggerate the warming rate over the … [Read more...]
Climate Science or Climate Advocacy?
For almost thirty years, I have taught climate science at three different universities. What I have observed is that students are increasingly being fed climate change advocacy as a surrogate for becoming climate science literate. This makes them easy targets for the climate alarmism that pervades America today. Earth’s climate probably is the most complicated non-living system one can study, because it naturally integrates astronomy, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, hydrology, … [Read more...]
Evangelicals, Katharine Hayhoe, and Climate Change
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is an evangelical scientist who desires the wellbeing of human society. She crunches data and helps people quantify the impacts of climate change. Sadly, her communication to the church has been anything but helpful. Dr. Hayhoe says, "The data tells us the planet is warming; the science is clear that humans are responsible; the impacts we're seeing today are already serious; and our future is in our hands." But is it? Does the church have to take her at her word because … [Read more...]
Pope Francis and Climate Politics
Reuters reports, “Pope Francis urged national leaders on Monday to implement global environmental agreements without delay, a message that looked to be squarely aimed at U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. “Addressing a group of scientists that included theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, the pope gave his strongest speech on the environment since the election of Trump, who has threatened to pull out of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. ‘The ‘distraction’ or delay in … [Read more...]
Yes, Climate Change is Real–and Skepticism about its Magnitude is Good Science
In “Meteorologist Tells Christians: Climate Change Is Real,” Opposing Views columnist Michael Allen misrepresents The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, of which I’m founder and national spokesman. He writes that we have “encouraged evangelical leaders to deny man-made climate change” and co-sponsored a “climate change denial conference.” On the contrary, our “Open Letter on Climate Change to the People … of the United States of America” (signed by hundreds of scientists and … [Read more...]
Who Does John Tierney Think He Is to Challenge Chris Mooney about “Science Denial”?
Leftwing environmentalist Washington Post columnist Chris Mooney has made something of a cottage industry out of lampooning what he considers conservatives' "science denial" in four books. Count 'em: The Republican War on Science, 2005 Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle over Global Warming, 2007 Unscientific America---How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future, 2009 (with Sheril Kirshenbaum, who holds Ph.D.'s graduate degrees in meteorology and climatology marine … [Read more...]
Global Warming Hysteria’s Long Goodbye
The twenty-second session of the United Nation’s climate change conference ended a few days ago in Marrakech, Morocco, and the proclamation went forth that the conference “successfully demonstrated to the world that the implementation of the Paris Agreement is underway and the constructive spirit of multilateral cooperation on climate change continues.” All “well and good,” but with the incoming skeptical Trump train, the trundling of the Marrakech Express is going to become a bit more … [Read more...]
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