The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency forecasts the "social cost of carbon" (SCC) in the year 2020 to run anywhere from $13 to $137 per metric ton. That's EPA's measure of the harm each ton of "carbon" (really carbon dioxide, but who cares with our ill-educated public that doesn't know the difference between an element and a compound---especially when the shorthand serves the purpose of scaring people needlessly?) emitted into the atmosphere. Its estimates are based on a … [Read more...]
Zika vs. Global Warming—What’s Obama’s Priority?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the number of cases of the Zika virus in the U.S. has grown from 107 in February to 618 as of June 1. The virus has people all over the world scared. Though it poses little threat to healthy adults, babies in the wombs of infected mothers can suffer catastrophic birth defects. So of course President Barack Obama is asking Congress for $1.8 billion to fight it. But just how serious is he about it? Well, Congress last December gave the … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Attorneys General about Climate Change
Dear Attorneys General, You’re not stupid. Stupid people don’t graduate from law school. Neither are you generally ignorant. You know lots of law. But the day of the “Renaissance man,” vastly learned across all fields of knowledge, is long gone. All intelligent and learned people are ignorant about some things. So, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and members of Attorneys General United for Clean Power, take no offense when I tell you that your intent to investigate and … [Read more...]
Fighting Global Warming—For Which Children’s Sake?
On May 14, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that the state's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has failed to reduce the state's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as required by Massachusetts's 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), which aimed to reduce the state's GHG emissions to 25% below the 1990 level by 2020 80% by 2050. The court ordered the DEP to “promulgate regulations that address … greenhouse gas emissions, impose a limit on emissions that may be released … … [Read more...]
What does the Threat to Prosecute “Climate Deniers” Mean?
The threat by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and "AG's United for Clean Power" (a group of 17 attorneys general) to investigate and prosecute for fraud corporations and organizations questioning belief in manmade global warming so dangerous as to justify spending $Trillions to reduce it by fractions of a degree has some precedent. No, not in the prosecution of tobacco companies for covering up the evidence of their product's carcinogenicity. The biophysical link there was crystal clear … [Read more...]
Dangerous Global Warming—Now You See It, Now You Don’t
A picture can be worth a thousand words---especially if it's deliberately designed to mislead and scare people, because of course so many think "seeing is believing." That's why CAGW alarmists are so eager to show us pictures like this of the annual global surface temperature anomaly from 1850 to 2015: That comes from the UK's Met Office and shows (from three different data sources) the really frightening warming from about 1910 to about 1945 and the equally frightening warming from … [Read more...]
What Scientific Idiot Would Say this about Climate Change?
An email I received this morning included in its thread one from someone saying this: This morning I got out my little toy telescope and watched Mercury transiting the Sun. The striking fact was not the little black image of Mercury but the total absence of sunspots. I have seen many transits before this one, but never without sunspots. It seems the sun has gone to sleep as it did in the Maunder Minimum in the seventeenth century. In the seventeenth century we had the Little Ice Age and now … [Read more...]
How Theology Can, and Should, Contribute to Scientific and Public Discourse about Anthropogenic Global Warming
A paper presented to the Round Table on Theology, Climate Change, and Politics, University of Western Ontario, May 29, 2012 Paleoanthropologist and philosopher Loren Eiseley (1907–1977), who though religious in the tradition of American Transcendentalists Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau was certainly no orthodox Christian theist, on reflecting on the kind of soil in which science could flourish, wrote, “In one of those strange permutations of which history yields … [Read more...]
Finding Nemo Suffocated?
One hardly knows where to begin in assessing the sanity of the recent claim that "climate change" (aka dangerous manmade global warming renamed to hide the fact that far less warming is happening than predicted) could suffocate---yes, suffocate!---sea creatures by reducing ocean oxygen levels. The scary story comes mainly from popular reports. Take, for example, how blogger Cat DiStasio ("a writer, storyteller, and community architect" who "holds a B.A. in Ethnic, Gender, and Labor … [Read more...]
How Economically Competitive is “Renewable Energy”?
Condemnation's always most credible when issued by a supporter. That's what the renewable energy sector got from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards 2016 Annual Status Report, which states right in its highlights: "More than half of all growth in renewable electricity (RE) generation (60%) and capacity (57%) since 2000 is associated with state RPS requirements." In short, non-hydro renewable energy---wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass---cannot … [Read more...]
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