A spokesman for Al Gore has issued a questionable response to the news that in October 2007 the High Court in London had identified nine “errors” in his movie An Inconvenient Truth. The judge had stated that, if the UK Government had not agreed to send to every secondary school in England a corrected guidance note making clear the mainstream scientific position on these nine “errors”, he would have made a finding that the Government’s distribution of the film and the first draft of the guidance … [Read more...]
Global Warming: Why Evangelicals Should Not Be Alarmed
An annotated, PDF version of this article is available for Download. In a documentary aired August 23, 2007, by CNN and titled “God’s Warriors,” Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, said about evangelicals who disagree with his urgent appeals for action to fight global warming: Historically, evangelicals have reasoned like this: Scientists believe in evolution. Scientists are telling us climate change is real. Therefore, I won’t … [Read more...]
Important Developments on Global Warming in 2006
Despite continued alarmist claims in the mainstream media, by advocacy groups, and by some scientists, actual scientific and economic developments related to the global warming debate during 2006 point toward the collapse of the catastrophic human-induced global warming (CHIGW) dogma. Here’s a brief summary. IPCC Reduces Warming Projections. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) draft 2007 Fourth Assessment Report (FAR) reduces projected temperature impact of human-induced … [Read more...]
Scientific Orthodoxies, Politicized Science, and Catastrophic Global Warming: Challenges to Evangelicals Navigating Rough Waters in Science and Policy
Click here to download the full paper. The year 2006 has seen a major division among evangelicals over a strange, multifaceted issue: whether human action is causing potentially catastrophic global warming and what, if anything, should be done about it. That division quite possibly had enormous political consequences in the mid-term elections just completed, contributing to both diminished voter turnout among evangelicals and a decline in their support for Republican candidates from 75 percent … [Read more...]
Fact Sheet: Evangelicals Should be Wary of the Politicization and Bad Science of Global Warming Alarmism
Download the Fact Sheet In recent months, the news has carried a spate of stories about Christians embracing the cause of global warming. These news stories highlight some evangelical leaders who have endorsed alarmist claims in their public statements, urged political action on climate change, and even screened Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, in their churches. It’s no surprise that some politicians are welcoming converts to the cause on the eve of national elections, or that the … [Read more...]
Testimony delivered before the U.S. Senate
Download the Annotated Testimony or the Short Version (pdf) Oral Testimony of Dr. E. Calvin Beisner to the Environment and Public Works Committee of the United States SenateWednesday, October 20, 2006 Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee, and distinguished guests, thank you for inviting me to speak to you today. Having never before this year been significantly involved in politics other than to vote in elections, it is strange to find myself here. But my moral convictions as a … [Read more...]
A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Response to Global Warming
A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor (PDF) An Open Letter to the Signers of Climate Change an Evangelical Call to Action and Others Concerned About Global Warming (PDF) As evangelicals, we commend those who signed the Evangelical Climate Initiative’s “Climate Change: An Evangelical Call to Action” for speaking out on a public issue of ethical concern. We share the same Biblical world view, theology, and ethics. We are motivated by the same deep and genuine concern they express … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to the Signers of “Climate Change: An Evangelical Call To Action” and Others Concerned About Global Warming
“They only asked us to remember the poor–the very thing I was eager to do.” –The Apostle Paul, Galatians 2:10 To read the full letter including endorsements click: An Open Letter to the Signers of Climate Change an Evangelical Call to Action and Others Concerned About Global Warming. To see a list of signers categorized by expertise, click here. Widespread media reports tell of a scientific consensus that: the world is presently experiencing unprecedented global warming; the main cause … [Read more...]
ISA announces launch of Cornwall Network at Senate luncheon – Driessen
Thank you for coming to this important event. I am here today not only as a representative of CORE, the civil rights organization that James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were working for when they were brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1964. I’m also here as an Eagle Scout, outdoorsman, Earth Day organizer – and former Sierra Club member and environmental activist. I say former, because (based on long personal experience) I have concluded that today’s environmental movement is … [Read more...]
ISA Announces Launch of Cornwall Network at Senate Luncheon
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner addresses the crowd at the "Pulpits, Pews and Environmental Policy: How the Cornwall Declaration is helping define the mandate of Biblical stewardship" luncheon briefing. Before a packed room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on April 19th, 2006, the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance (ISA), in conjunction with the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, and the Institute on Religion and Democracy, hosted a special Capitol Hill luncheon briefing entitled … [Read more...]