Last June, the Biden administration was so concerned about China's use of Uyghur Muslim slave labor to produce the polysilicon needed for solar panels that it imposed bans on imports of that product from some Chinese manufacturers.But that was last year before the domestic solar industry went into free fall due to a Commerce Department investigation into allegations of dumping that effectively halted the import of solar panels from four southeast Asia countries that were accused of … [Read more...]
Testimony: “How the Biden Administration and the Global Anti-Fossil-Fuel Movement Caused an Energy Crisis and Inflated Our Cost of Living”
Today the House Freedom Caucus held an off-site hearing: “Addressing Bidenflation and Biden’s Energy Crisis.” I was a witness, along with former Texas Governor and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, economist Stephen Moore, and Western Energy Alliance President Kathleen Sgamma. Here is the written testimony I submitted. You can watch my testimony, as well as my answers to all the Representatives’ questions, in the video below.In 2016, I testified in front of the Senate Environment and Public Works … [Read more...]
Biden Ethanol Increase Will Worsen Food Costs, Gas Pains
The Biden administration is implementing a temporary ethanol fix in a desperate attempt to reduce political fallout from skyrocketing gas pump prices resulting from its war on fossil fuels which will only add to inflationary food costs.New EPA requirements will now increase the amount of the corn alcohol product that must be blended into the nation's gasoline supply from 10% (E10) currently, to 15% (E15) over summer driving months between June 1 and Sept. 15.Whereas EPA administrator … [Read more...]
Persistent Lies About Green Power
When drug companies try to sell you a particular cure for what ails you, the television ads typically consist of 10 seconds of saying how good the drug is and 20 seconds of disclaimers and warnings about possible negative side effects. If only renewable energy companies were that honest!To my great annoyance and disgust, a power company in Texas promises the state’s electricity users can choose a plan that delivers electricity 24 hours a day powered by the sun. Solar power.As anyone exercising … [Read more...]
Pregnant People are Birthing Distrust of Science
There’s a real concern that the public is losing trust in the scientific establishment, and maybe for good reason. A recent news article in one of the world’s most prestigious science journals, Nature, contained an editor’s statement that sadly apologized for being insensitive to a new unscientific norm. The article was titled, “COVID vaccines safely protect pregnant people: The data are in.” The journal editor thought it was necessary to assure readers that, “Nature recognizes that transgender … [Read more...]
Germany’s Green Energy Fixation Should Teach US a Lesson
Germany’s new Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government vice chancellor and economic minister Robert Habeck, a leading member of his country’s Green Party, has experienced a rude lesson regarding the disastrous consequences of his years of naïve opposition to fossil fuels.After tasking his top officials to assess the energy security implications of Germany’s dependence on Russian supplies in the event of a then-looming Ukraine invasion, their conclusions were desperately dispiriting.Habeck reportedly … [Read more...]
Biased Reporting Overheats Climate Fear, Ignores Cold
It was a cold May night for many in the city of Bengaluru, India. The mercury dipped to 52 degrees Fahrenheit, a low not witnessed in the last 50 years.The same week, some Indian cities made global headlines not for unusual cold but for extreme heat. Followers of international news likely have seen reports about heat waves and historic high temperatures in South Asia.“India and Pakistan are no strangers to extreme temperatures, but the current heatwave stands out for its early-season … [Read more...]
Must Fossil Fuel Extraction Be Stopped to Limit Global Warming?
“Fossil Fuel Extraction Must Be Stopped to Limit Global Warming.” That’s the headline of an article at, an environmental activist website. It purports to convey the message of a study published May 17, 2022, in Environmental Research Letters, “Existing fossil fuel extraction would warm the world beyond 1.5°C,” though the study makes no such claim.According to the study, the world is already committed, through its 25,000 oil and gas fields and 3,000 coal mines, to … [Read more...]
CO2 Enrichment Improves Plant Water Use Efficiency
This article is the third in a series. You can read the first post here. and the second one here.“Gratefully, nature does not have to wait another century or so for the air’s CO2 concentration to double before reaping benefits from enhanced water use efficiency. It has already begun to profit in this regard from the approximate 50% increase in atmospheric CO2 that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution began.”In my last article I wrote about increased plant productivity … [Read more...]
Unlikely Source Throws Cold Water on Climate Catastrophism
The Biden administration wants America to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 50% by 2030 and achieve "net-zero" by 2050. Other advanced nations have similar goals. They all need a bucket of cold water in the face.The New York Times Company is as unlikely a source of that icy bucket as you can imagine. Call it Climate Alarmism Central.But last month, it dashed that bucket of cold water in the face of millions of climate alarmists. In New York Times Magazine it published an interview with Vaclav … [Read more...]