Folks like those who stage events like the "Walk Against Warming" illustrated above think fighting climate change is a high priority. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry say climate change is the greatest threat facing the world. But United Nations-sponsored worldwide polling suggests that how people answer the question, "How high a priority is fighting global warming?" depends significantly on their economic condition. Data for all countries and country groups, ages, education … [Read more...]
Fuel Poverty: The Deadly Side of Renewable Energy
So climate alarmists want a rapid, mandatory shift from fossil fuels—chiefly coal and natural gas—to wind and solar to save us all from catastrophic global warming. What comes with that? The people of England and Wales have found out, and it isn't pretty. Over a decade ago, the United Kingdom began a rigorous policy of shutting down coal-fired power plants and replacing them with wind farms and solar arrays to feed its electricity grid. The direct result was skyrocketing electric rates across … [Read more...]
To Divest or Not to Divest—That is the Question
“To be, or not to be? That is the question.” With those words Hamlet pondered suicide. That’s a question we should ask as we ponder shrill calls on various college campuses for divestment from fossil fuels – as took place this past weekend as part of Global Divestment Day. For with the end of fossil fuel use comes the eventual death of a significant portion of the human race. Yes, I just said that. And it’s true. 1.3 billion people live without electricity across the world, 2.6 billion lack … [Read more...]
Original Signers of Protect the Poor: Ten Reasons to Oppose Harmful Climate Change Policies
Original Endorsements, by Category While our signatures express our endorsement only of the declaration “Protect the Poor: Ten Reasons to Oppose Harmful Climate Change Policies” and do not imply agreement with every point in A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor 2014: The Case against Harmful Climate Policies Gets Stronger, we believe that document provides ample justification for the declaration. We call on scholars, experts, leaders, and citizens to join us in signing … [Read more...]
Europe Flees Economy-Destroying Green Initiatives While Obama Presses On
C02 reduction regulations and subsidies for “green energy” are destroying the European economy, and the United States is next. But Europe’s waking up. After years of trying to lead the push to go green, it has turned around and begun steep cuts in its climate protection goals. Why? To save member states’ economies. For example, Germany, one of the strongest proponents of environmental regulations in the European Union (EU), has seen energy prices soar, making its prices the highest in Europe. … [Read more...]
Congress’ Move to Stop the War on Coal Needed to Rescue Poor
Originally Published by Religion Today. God is certainly no respecter of man (Acts 10:34–35; Rom 2:9–11; Eph 6:8–9, etc.); He shows no favoritism, and neither does His son, Jesus Christ (Matt 22:16). But God does care for the weak, poor, timid, and defenseless—He is a compassionate God, and He expects the same of us (Deut 10:18). In America, as with the rest of the planet, coal plays a crucial role in energy production, yet it is under attack in America. The Environmental Protection Agency’s … [Read more...]
Prominent Signers of “An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming”
Read "An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming." Updated List: Prominent Endorsers of An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming through January 14, 2010 Organization and title are listed for identification only, and do not imply organizational endorsement. Members listed in italics are climate scientists. Scientists (including 13 Climate Scientists) and Medical Doctors Robert Stephen Adams, M.D., FACOG, private physician John Baumgardner, President, Logos Research … [Read more...]
Facing Fears & Global Warming
With all of the pending disasters blamed on global warming blasting their way through the media, I can understand why many might fear the future climate. We are told emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), are destroying not only polar bears and petunias, but the planet as a whole. If we don’t “stop global warming,” The End will surely come. I am a climate scientist. My research and that of many others does not lead me to be afraid for the climate’s future. However, I am … [Read more...]
Let the Sun Shine on Sunshine Energy
Florida Power and Light, the regulated electric utility for almost all Floridians, has offered its customers an opportunity to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions. By signing up for the Sunshine Energy program, they can ensure that 1,000 kWh of electricity from cleaner sources than fossil fuels will be produced in Florida and other states, allegedly reducing the customer's carbon emissions by 10,800 pounds per year, the amount the average car emits in 12,000 miles of driving. Naturally, of … [Read more...]
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