News reports of summer heatwaves often perversely misrepresent a modern climate favorable to human flourishing in order to fearmonger the false narrative of catastrophic global warming.The geological epoch of the Holocene, which roughly corresponds to the last 11,700 years, is a time of warmth that has been vital in fostering the diversity and adaptability of life on our planet – not a curse as popularly portrayed. The relevance of the Holocene interglacial period to humanity’s survival cannot … [Read more...]
Countering the World’s Rigged Conversation about Energy and Climate
Today's conversation about energy and climate is "rigged" with bad thinking methods, misleading terms, false assumptions, and anti-human values—all of which serve to promote deadly policies.Our rigged conversation about energy and climateJust as legal systems can be rigged, so can cultural conversationsWe are all familiar with the idea of a legal system that is rigged against certain types of people. For example, in the classic To Kill a Mockingbird, the legal system of (fictional) … [Read more...]
U.S. Nuclear Energy Policy: Stuck on Stupid!
The gullibility of the human species is a sight to behold. Take these examples, from a list of superstitions.According to Joshua Partlow, Washington Post Mexico bureau chief, putting two mirrors in front of each other opens a threshold for the devil. In Lithuania, it is forbidden to whistle indoors, because the noise is believed to summon demons. In South Korea, it is commonly believed that prolonged exposure to a running fan will cause hypothermia and asphyxiation.Here’s one not from that … [Read more...]
What I Told the EPA About its Illegal De Facto Electric Vehicle Mandates
The following is a guest article by Marlo Lewis Jr.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashRecently, I submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards for model years (MYs) 2027-2032 passenger cars, light trucks, and medium-duty trucks. The proposed standards are the latest phase of a longstanding unlawful agenda of market-rigging interventions. They should be withdrawn.My comments develop the following points:Marlo Lewis, Jr. … [Read more...]
Three Cheers for Refrigeration—and Four, Once Everyone Has It
The following is a guest article by Ben Lieberman. Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIt is difficult to overstate the benefits of refrigeration. Even more than its technological sibling air conditioning, refrigeration has dramatically improved public health and the quality of life wherever it has become widespread. And unlike air conditioning, the utility of which is questioned in some intellectual circles, refrigeration has few if any critics. Nonetheless, in an age when climate change has … [Read more...]
Let Them Eat Solar Panels
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashRecently, during a speech at a high-dollar fundraiser for the League of Conservation Voters in Washington, D.C., President Joe Biden exulted about a solar project in Angola. According to a transcript of his speech that can be found on the White House’s website, Biden said:“We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean. We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world. I can go … [Read more...]
UAH Global Temperature Update for June, 2023: +0.38 deg. C
The Version 6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June 2023 was +0.38 deg. C departure from the 1991-2020 mean. This is statistically unchanged from the May 2023 anomaly of +0.37 deg. C.The linear warming trend since January, 1979 remains at +0.13 C/decade (+0.12 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18 C/decade over global-averaged land).Various regional LT departures from the 30-year (1991-2020) average for the last 18 months … [Read more...]
New Claims of Record-Setting Temperatures Are Nothing but Hot Air
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashRecently headlines in mainstream media such as the BBC, CNN, Forbes, and The Washington Post blared the consistent message that July 4, 2023 was the hottest day in history, or at least in the past 125,000 years. The headlines and stories show just how gullible the media is, or alternatively, that they are so wedded to the climate crisis narrative that they would publish a story they know is impossible to verify and is probably untrue.The Washington … [Read more...]
The Religious Cult of Climate Catastrophism
The following is a guest article by Andrew Montford.I have been working in climate and energy for nearly 15 years, and it’s fair to say that it’s not often I find something that makes me radically change the way I look at the domain. But a new book, by Andy A West, has done just that.The Grip of Culture makes the case that climate catastrophism is cultural – akin to religion or one of the extreme political movements that have assailed the world from time to time. This is not an entirely new … [Read more...]
The Truth About Canada’s Wildfires
Canada’s wildfires continue to burn, and with smoke from those fires darkening the skies in the United States, the mainstream media are covering it extensively. A common underlying theme in almost every report is that climate change is partly to blame for the size of Canada’s wildfires this season and that such fires and the heat contributing to them are a portent of things to come if we don’t stop using fossil fuels.Image: Creative Commons under Unsplash“With over 120 million U.S. residents … [Read more...]
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