When Forbes editor Steve Forbes calls a book “one of the most important … in decades defending capitalism,” it’s time to sit up and take notice. Rainer Zitelmann’s In Defense of Capitalism: Debunking the Myths (USA, Republic Book Publishers, March 2023) fully deserves Forbes’s praise.In 10 relatively short chapters constituting the first half of the book, Zitelmann conclusively debunks ten myths, e.g., that capitalism is responsible for hunger and poverty or for environmental destruction, … [Read more...]
Why Can’t Renewables Power Modern Economies? Physics
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashTo understand why wind and solar power, even with battery backup, will not be sufficient in the near future to supply the electric power needs of any modern industrial economy, much less an economy the size of the United States, one must first understand how the electric power system works.Note: I’m not talking about costs. Although the media regularly reports demonstrably false claims that wind and solar power are cheaper than traditional power sources such … [Read more...]
An Easy Guide to Rational Energy Policies
There are extensive technical and lengthy discussions and proposed solutions—both pros and cons—about climate change, rising oceans, extreme weather events, the impact of emissions, net-zero, EV mandates, wind and solar mandates, pollution, temperature change, and energy subsidies.The elephant in the room that is seldom discussed is the simple and an easy-to-understand fact of life that the world is facing shortages of the same products and fuels manufactured from crude oil that were the basis … [Read more...]
The Practical Impossibility of Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage
The Environmental Protection Agency is working on a new rule that would set stringent limits on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from US power plants. Utilities would be required to retrofit existing plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology or to switch to hydrogen fuel. Others call for the use of CCS to decarbonize heavy industry. But the cost of capture and the amount of CO2 that proponents say needs to be captured crush any ideas about feasibility.Carbon capture and storage is … [Read more...]
Using Science To Further Government Objectives
“Scientists Discover Strong Correlation Between Trusting Government And Eating Paint Chips” read a recent headline in The Babylon Bee. The article went on to report that “trust in government also ranked high among gasoline sniffers, toad lickers, and oven cleaner huffers.”Although the article is ostensibly satirical, trusting government does seem a mite flaky these days, especially when combined with a trust in mainstream media reporting on science in the service of government.Image: Creative … [Read more...]
Even With Its Problems, Science Education Lives On In America
This is a guest article by Dr. Sharon Camp.Never have I been so inspired upon being removed from a venue. Actually, as a retired teacher of AP (advanced placement) environmental sciences and chemistry, I haven’t been escorted from very many places. Perhaps none. I should explain.I am a member of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington, Virginia, where I wear my scientist hat – a B.S. in geology and Ph.D. in analytical chemistry – and serve on the organization’s education committee. In supporting our … [Read more...]
NOAA Proposes Hammering 208% of Vanishing Right Whales
Okay, it is a trick headline because they can only hammer 100% of the severely endangered North Atlantic Right Whale population. The point is that NOAA is proposing, for offshore wind development, to authorize a horrific 706 cases of physical harassment of Right Whales, whose dwindling population is down to just 340 magnificent critters.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe average whale will get hammered roughly twice. The Right Whales migrate along the coast twice a year. Migration … [Read more...]
Climate Change Papers You Should Read
This is an annotated anthology of published, refereed papers that, in my view, are fundamental to an understanding of the science of climate change. Millions of papers are published each year, and thus it is difficult to reduce the myriad of articles to just forty-four fundamental papers. Moreover, this annotated anthology is compiled from a climate change realist perspective, rather than an alarmist one. Its purpose is to present a list of the cadre of articles that convey the current … [Read more...]
Your Taxes at Work: ‘Eco-Anxiety’ Counseling
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees are struggling to cope with feelings of trauma and loss over the world’s changing climates and imperiled environments. Their work repeatedly confronts them with ecological changes, but even a sense of “anticipated loss” perhaps decades from now requires compassionate help. Or so the FWS and American Psychological Association tell us.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe FWS is thus offering paid leave to employees who attend “eco-anxiety” and “climate … [Read more...]
Using the Climate Change Scare to Promote Abortion
A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to speak to Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa about climate change and the potential threat that climate alarmism poses to the objectives of pro-lifers. The title of the event is “Why global warming alarmism is a threat to unborn children… and the pro-life movement.”In preparation for the event, I researched whether climate activist groups had anything to say about abortion and were surprised to see they do indeed. While their position is usually cloaked in … [Read more...]
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