The Cornwall Alliance’s mission is “to magnify the glory of God in creation, the wisdom of His truth in environmental stewardship, the kindness of His mercy in lifting the needy out of poverty, and the wonders of His grace in the gospel of Jesus Christ” by educating “the public and policymakers about Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the gospel of Jesus Christ, with Christian worldview, theology, and ethics that come with it.”Because excessive fears of … [Read more...]
How Many Uninfected People Will the “War on the Coronavirus” Kill?
Following is the text of Cornwall Alliance’s first “From the Stacks” livestream program with Founder and National Spokesman E. Calvin Beisner on Facebook, April 7, 2020. We post it here because Internet technical problems made some parts inaudible to viewers. Today, let’s talk about the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, and our governments’ responses to it. I’m going to argue that our governing authorities need to expand the sources from whom they seek advice about how to deal with this … [Read more...]
Coronavirus Highlights Eco-Radicals’ Anti-Human Agenda
For decades, elitist radical environmentalists in academia, politics, and popular culture have vocally longed for a sharp decline in or extinction of the human race, regularly referring to humanity as a “cancer,” “parasite,” or “virus” destroying the planet.Environmental radicals and their pop culture lackeys have embraced human extinction or near-extinction as the ultimate cure for the destruction they believe humans are wreaking upon Mother Earth. For example, Canadian oil baron Maurice … [Read more...]
What Is ‘Prudent Prudence’ in Response to the Coronavirus?
This is a long article. I hope you’ll read it all anyway. If you’re staying home to help reduce the spread of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), you may have more time on your hands anyway!I’ve prayed and pondered long and hard what to say about the pandemic, wanting to encourage simultaneously both prudent care and fearless confidence.Unsurprisingly, many in the media and politics exaggerate the danger. Both have strong incentives to do so. The media incite fears to increase audience, which … [Read more...]
We must fight climate extremists before they upend society
Start learning the deep details of the science and economics instead of letting extremists dictate what you’re allowed to think or say.Last year was the year the climate issue took a sharp turn towards extremism. Let’s hope 2020 is the year sanity makes a comeback.There have long been three groups occupying the climate issue. To avoid pejoratives, I will call them A, B and C.The A group are the doubters. They don’t believe greenhouse gases (GHGs) do much harm and they don’t support expensive … [Read more...]
Cornwall Alliance’s Dr. Roy Spencer Speaks to Managers of $25 Trillion in Investments
On February 13, Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer made a presentation to about 120 senior asset managers responsible for investments totaling some $25 trillion. The thrust of his message? "NO CLIMATE CRISIS---But the 'Profits of Doom' Will Continue."Dr. Spencer, a principal research scientist in climatology at the University of Alabama, Huntsville who, with his colleague Dr. John Christy, manages NASA's satellite global temperature measuring program and is the U.S. Science Team … [Read more...]
Dark, Dusty, and Developing: Climate Control Is the Last Thing We Want
This article was originally published on the Patriot Post on September 30, 2019.Despite decades of rapid economic growth, parts of India (where I live) remain severely underdeveloped.Though India has achieved energy surplus — producing more electricity than it consumes — it has yet to fix the country’s dodgy transmission network. Houses in villages remain unconnected to the main grid, and pockets of cities suffer blackouts from faulty transformers.I encounter literal darkness every day. There … [Read more...]
Rainfall Trends in India Show No Climate Fatigue
Climate is particularly important to farmers in agrarian countries. Drought could mean the difference between life and death.India, for example, is predominantly agrarian. Of the country’s 1.3 billion people, 300 million, nearly a fourth, are poor even by Indian standards, and millions of others are on the borderline. So, agriculture is a big deal.Climate alarmists argue that the world has been progressively warming in recent decades (due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions) and that this … [Read more...]
Will Thames Freeze Again? UK Vulnerable to Cooling Catastrophe
The United Kingdom’s role in the global economy is important. It is the 10th largest export economy in the world. It exported $778 billion USD worth of products and services in 2018. In recent months, fears about a post-Brexit UK economy have gripped the minds of Britons.But the UK’s economy faces a bigger challenge from changes in climate. Nearly 70 percent of the UK’s land is used for agriculture, and the country depends on its own produce for 60 percent of its domestic needs. Any … [Read more...]
How Dare We in Developing Countries Fight Against Poverty!
Greta’s cry for climate action at the United Nations (UN) climate summit has become a big talking point. In a speech that she read out of a paper, she exclaimed, “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”Her words, directed at world leaders, are now famous. In its appropriate context, the words were meant to address the climate inaction by world leaders, despite the availability of what she … [Read more...]
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