Originally Published by Religion Today. God is certainly no respecter of man (Acts 10:34–35; Rom 2:9–11; Eph 6:8–9, etc.); He shows no favoritism, and neither does His son, Jesus Christ (Matt 22:16). But God does care for the weak, poor, timid, and defenseless—He is a compassionate God, and He expects the same of us (Deut 10:18). In America, as with the rest of the planet, coal plays a crucial role in energy production, yet it is under attack in America. The Environmental Protection Agency’s … [Read more...]
A Story of Change – But What Kind of Change?
The Story of Change, the sequel to The Story of Stuff, should be renamed The Story of Changing to a Marxist Political Economy, though its creator might not understand her own political views well enough to recognize that. The Story of Stuff (of which there is an excellent four-part critique on YouTube) started as an Internet viral movie in 2007 designed to inculcate environmental conscientiousness via product choices. In the twenty-minute animated video, shown to countless school-age children … [Read more...]
Climate Change: Who Speaks for You?
If you believe global warming is cyclical and mostly natural; human contribution is minor and not dangerous; and attempting to prevent human influence by cuts in carbon-dioxide emissions would cost trillions of dollars, trap billions of people in developing countries in poverty, and so do more harm than good … … then you need to know something and be prepared to act: President Barack Obama has said that “the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change.” … [Read more...]
The Cost of Good Intentions: The Ethics and Economics of the War on Conventional Energy
Read the Full Cost of Good Intentions (PDF) The pastoral call requires shepherding a congregation through difficult circumstances, including challenges from the spiritual message and economic consequences of environmentalism. It is difficult to develop the knowledge and wisdom necessary to give biblical counsel on such issues, especially in light of complex scientific problems and intense policy debates. Yet the church must evaluate alarms raised about the environment and policies to address … [Read more...]
Climate Policy: Theological, Scientific, and Economic Considerations
A Panel Presentation to the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change Download the full presentation (PDF). I’m grateful to James Taylor, Joe Bast, and the Heartland Institute for asking me to speak. My remarks today in part abridge, condense, and supplement what the Cornwall Alliance has said in a 76-page interdisciplinary research paper we published last December, A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and … [Read more...]
Prominent Signers of “An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming”
Read "An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming." Updated List: Prominent Endorsers of An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming through January 14, 2010 Organization and title are listed for identification only, and do not imply organizational endorsement. Members listed in italics are climate scientists. Scientists (including 13 Climate Scientists) and Medical Doctors Robert Stephen Adams, M.D., FACOG, private physician John Baumgardner, President, Logos Research … [Read more...]
A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor
Read The Full A Renewed Call To Truth Prudence and Protection of the Poor (PDF) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The world is in the grip of an idea: that burning fossil fuels to provide affordable, abundant energy is causing global warming that will be so dangerous that we must stop it by reducing our use of fossil fuels, no matter the cost.Is that idea true? We believe not. We believe that idea—we’ll call it “global warming alarmism”—fails the tests of theology, science, and economics. It rests on poor … [Read more...]
Facing Fears & Global Warming
With all of the pending disasters blamed on global warming blasting their way through the media, I can understand why many might fear the future climate. We are told emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), are destroying not only polar bears and petunias, but the planet as a whole. If we don’t “stop global warming,” The End will surely come. I am a climate scientist. My research and that of many others does not lead me to be afraid for the climate’s future. However, I am … [Read more...]
Why the UN’s ‘Developed Countries Should Pay’ Theory Is Flawed
[A]lthough greenhouse gas emissions can be blamed on nations based on the location of emission activities, these emissions are the effluvia of civilization and all its activities. In today's interconnected world, economic activity in one country helps provide livelihoods and incomes for many inhabitants elsewhere, and vice versa. A substantial portion of economic growth in developing countries is attributable to trade, remittances, tourism and direct investment from industrialized … [Read more...]
Norman Borlaug: Still Feeding the World
Norman Borlaug just turned 94 – and is still going strong. During the “Eat This” segment of their docu-comedy series BS, Penn Jillette beat Teller in a round of their “Greatest Person in History” card game. Penn needed just one card: Norman Borlaug. This Iowa farm boy and University of Minnesota agriculture graduate lived Thomas Edison’s maxim to the fullest. “Invention,” Edison once remarked, “is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Dr. Borlaug did most of his 99% in the sweltering fields of … [Read more...]