Fossil fuels, often blamed for causing Asia's hot summers due to global warming, are helping people survive the sweltering heat! Yes, coal-fired power plants, despite their caricature of evil by know-nothing journalists, continue to play a crucial role in ensuring energy security during challenging summers.In the densely populated metropolitan areas of Asia, air conditioners and ceiling fans powered by fossil fuels are essential for the well-being of millions in the summer heat. The presumption … [Read more...]
Comparing the Costs: EVs vs. ICEVs—and Who Benefits?
Electric vehicle (EV) advocates often claim EVs are only marginally more costly, or even cheaper, than internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). The claim accounts only for costs paid directly by EV owners. Adding costs paid by other taxpayers through government subsidies and tax credits tells a different story.Comparing the CostsArgonne National Laboratory (federally funded) estimates:(Source: Burnham et al. (2021), “Comprehensive Total Cost of Ownership Quantification for Vehicles with … [Read more...]
Up or Down? Which Direction Will Climate Change Take Air Pollution Levels?
The Biden Administration is tightening air pollution regulations again, this time by dropping particulate matter standards to levels near natural background concentrations in some areas. The move can further handicap America’s low-cost, abundant energy supplies, increase consumer costs, and disproportionately burden lower-income families. Of course, human-culpable climate change is invoked for any drastic measures imposed on the supposedly passive populace.Air pollution is certainly a concern; … [Read more...]
Questions the Debate Moderators Need to Ask Presidential Candidates About America’s Energy Plans
To stimulate conversations at the family dinner table prior to the Presidential Debates on June 27th, hosted by CNN, and September 10th, hosted by ABC, and the Vice Presidential Debate by CBS or FOX, about the many sides of renewable electricity from weather conditions, and the products and fuels from fossil fuels that are demanded by the materialistic lifestyles and economies around the world, here are a few questions to help initiate and stimulate those conversations.> We had a … [Read more...]
The War on Food
Back in February, CBS News reported that food prices had continued to rise faster than the rise in the overall Consumer Price Index. Restaurant prices were increasing at an annual rate of 5.1 percent, while grocery prices were up 1.2 percent. But the real story is that supermarket prices are 25 percent higher now than in January 2020, while inflation had increased by 19 percent.At the same time, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that “climate and conflict are two … [Read more...]
Asia Embraces Coal as the U.S. Rejects It
Vietnam and other Asian countries are on a coal spree! Given the dynamics of energy use in the rapidly developing industrial sector there, it is no surprise that these nations have backpedaled on big promises made at international climate conferences to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Vietnam's projected 2024 growth rate for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stands at 5.8%, the sixth highest in Asia. Among the biggest contributors to GDP is the industrial sector (38 percent), … [Read more...]
Pennsylvania’s Gov. Shapiro’s Misguided Attempt to Cure a Very Healthy Climate
Somebody should tell Gov. Shapiro that his state of Pennsylvania is doing very well environmentally. Overall, the weather has been getting better and agricultural production is up.Nevertheless, he repeatedly attacks the producers and users of energy to address a supposed climate crisis. His administration is trying to keep Pennsylvania trapped in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), which the Commonwealth Court ruled an illegal tax. Recently, he proposed a new energy … [Read more...]
NOAA Permits Wind Energy Operators to Harass and Kill Whales
Wind energy is clean and green. It is the magic switch to turn off global heating. And unicorns are real. You may name your most cherished illusion among those three if you please. But it will not change the fact that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and wind energy companies are complicit in a state-sanctioned, modern-day butchery of marine mammals along the U.S. East Coast.NOAA-issued permits allow each operator of wind turbines to kill or harass 100s of whales … [Read more...]
Climate Change Is Normal and Natural, and Can’t Be Controlled
The following is a guest article by Frits Byron Soepyan.NASA claimed that “Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate” and “human activity is the principal cause.” Others proposed spending trillions of dollars to control the climate. But are we humans responsible for climate change? And what can we do about it?“The climate of planet Earth has never stopped changing since the Earth’s genesis, sometimes relatively rapidly, sometimes very slowly, but always surely,” says Patrick … [Read more...]
Unnecessary Net Zero, Part II: A Demonstration with Global Carbon Project Data
Some commenters on my previous blog post, Net Zero CO2 Emissions: A Damaging and Totally Unnecessary Goal, were dubious of my claim that nature will continue to remove CO2 from the atmosphere at about the same rate even if anthropogenic emissions decrease…or even if they were suddenly eliminated.Rather than appeal to the simple CO2 budget model I created for that blog post, let’s look at the published data from the 123 (!) authors the IPCC relies upon to provide their best estimate of CO2 … [Read more...]
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