Industry group Energy Transfer has gone on offense in a series of ads highlighting the critical importance of fossil fuels in everyday life. It’s about time the industry stopped playing defense. The ads, however, focus on how fossil fuels have created modern industrial societies. Not everyone has energy abundance. Much of the world suffers from energy poverty, which is largely why those regions suffer from abject penury, hunger, and preventable premature deaths.Over the decades I’ve been working … [Read more...]
Precise Temperatures But No Thermometers?
In early January, Roy Spencer and John Christy reported that:“And, as calendar year values go, 2023 was the warmest of the 45-year record with an average of +0.51 °C (+0.92 °F) outdoing 2016 which finished that year at +0.39 °C (+0.70 °F). This calendar year was also warmer than any other 12-month period which before 2023 was Dec 2015 to Nov 2016 at +0.41 °C (+0.73 °F). Because early 2023 was much cooler than now, we can expect further 12-month records over the next few months.”They also … [Read more...]
Childless China: Coercive Population Plan Implodes
The following is a guest article by Jon Miltimore.Kenneth Emde of Minnesota, who came of age during the Swinging Sixties, recently explained why he is childless today.“I was a college student when I read [Paul] Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb,” he said in a letter published by the Wall Street Journal. “I took it to heart and now have no grandchildren, but 50 years later the population has increased to eight billion without dire consequences. I was gullible and stupid.”Emde … [Read more...]
America’s Energy Scam: A Deliberate Exploitation of Humanity that Only Increases Emissions!
America is aggressively pursuing “green” electricity and actively phasing out crude oil to reduce emissions generated in America by deliberately increasing the worldwide exploitation of humanity, environmental degradation, and, ironically, the very emissions they aim to reduce.California Governor Gavin Newsom, President Joe Biden, and world leaders are not cognizant enough to know that wind turbines and solar panels only generate occasional electricity and are unable to manufacture tires, cable … [Read more...]
Carbon Dioxide and Air Temperature: Who Leads and Who Follows?
In the era of climate change, this age-old question has received a new facelift. Now it becomes—Which came first: The rise in carbon dioxide or the rise in air temperature?Since the dawn of climate change alarmism, we have been told that carbon dioxide is the driver of climate change. Increase carbon dioxide, and consequently, air temperature increases. So, if we decrease the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it stands to reason that global warming will be abated. It’s just that simple.Or … [Read more...]
Evolution of the World’s Fuel Intensities
The following is a guest article by Samuel Furfari.A benchmark that explains why green NGOs want to promote energy sobrietyThe fashion for saving energy, which assumes that human behaviour can compensate for the inelasticity of energy demand, is not new. Only the name is. In 1924, when US President Calvin Coolidge proposed saving oil because he had been told that reserves would soon be exhausted, he devised a strategy called energy conservation. Though compassionate and generous, these methods … [Read more...]
Why Not to Worry about Farming’s Contribution to Global Warming
For decades the primary way environmentalists concerned about manmade global warming have advocated to slow it has been to reduce human emissions of the “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide (mainly from burning coal, oil, and natural gas for energy). Lately they have focused increasingly on contributions from two other “greenhouse gases,” primarily from agriculture—methane (CH4) from livestock flatulence, and nitrous oxide (N2O) from chemical fertilizers.Why? Because CH4’s forcing effect (the amount … [Read more...]
Green Energy Goals in Conflict: Electric Power
Twenty-three states have adopted goals to move to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. State governments propose to retire coal- and gas-fired power plants and adopt wind and solar systems. But these goals conflict with efforts to promote electric vehicles (EVs), electric appliances, and a new rising demand for electric power.Photo: Creative Commons under Unsplash.The green energy push seeks to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions to fight human-caused global warming. Leaders tell us that without a … [Read more...]
Europe’s Green Nightmare May Soon Be Over
Elections for the European Parliament will be held in June, and big changes appear on the horizon. The Green parties, who won big in 2019 and pushed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to present an ambitious climate agenda, are in decline. Led by disgruntled (and targeted) farmers, voters in at least 18 of the EU’s 27 member nations are expected to express disapproval of EU policies at the ballot box.Perhaps the tiniest of the protests belongs to the European People’s Party … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Not Meeting Paris Accord Standards
The following is a guest article by Kenneth Richard.The benefits of not meeting Paris Accord emissions-reduction targets outweigh the costs associated even with worst-case-scenario global warming throughout the 21st century.A new comprehensive analysis (Tol, 2023) weighs the cost-benefit of meeting Paris Accord emission policy targets to keep global warming in check, or under 2°C.The analysis reveals that even in the best case scenarios (that assume emission reduction policies fully meet their … [Read more...]
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