Was Noah a violent, murderous environmentalist who experienced an anthropogenic apocalypse? Did God hate humans because they destroyed His earth? Not according to the Bible. Darren Aronofsky, director of the new movie Noah, starring Russell Crowe, clearly didn’t read his Bible very carefully—or didn’t like what he read. The movie Noah changes a story of love and redemption into an environmentalist propaganda piece about humans destroying the earth, and a call for human extinction. Brian … [Read more...]
What’s Incredible? Learning to Read Science Articles with a Critical Eye
Almost every day, we are assaulted with “studies” purporting to have found correlations, connections, links, or ties between causes and effects. In 1998 Dr. Andrew Wakefield claimed that exposure to MMR vaccine causes autism. That assertion still reverberates across Europe and the U.S., but how reliable is Wakefield’s study? What about the claim that increased carbon dioxide emissions are causing and will continue to cause global temperature to rise, wreaking havoc with ecosystems all over … [Read more...]
Science Class? Or Religious Humanist Recruiting Ground?
Where is Dr. Mauerbry when we need her? Thirty-seven years ago, in a freshman college course on physical anthropology, the professor required every student to write a term paper on a topic of his choice. I said I’d like to write on scientific evidences against Darwinian, naturalistic evolution. “This is a science course, not a religion course,” she replied. “You can’t do that.” “Who said anything about religion?” I replied. “I want to write about scientific evidences.” She insisted that all … [Read more...]
Theism, Darwinism, and Environmentalism in a Lab Coat: Next Generation Science Standards Coming to YOUR State Soon!
Last month the Kansas State Board of Education voted to make Kansas the third state (following Rhode Island and Kentucky) to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The “voluntary” (until adopted by state boards of education) NGSS are the brainchild of Achieve, Inc., a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by various state governors and business leaders and a major promoter of the controversialand expensive new Common Core Standards. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education … [Read more...]
Public School Science Standards: Political or Pure?
(Dr. Beisner delivered this lecture at the 24th Annual Educational Policy Conference of the Constitutional Coalition in St. Louis, Missouri, January 25, 2013.) For generations America’s public schools have indoctrinated our children with the dogma of Darwinism: life arose and developed by chance, no Creator involved. Now they’re poised to indoctrinate them with another dogma: catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW)—and with it a whole catalog of other exaggerated and sometimes … [Read more...]
Less than Promising: Promised Land Slanders Safe, Reliable, Affordable Energy
Superstar Matt Damon’s latest politically charged movie, Promised Land, promised quite a bit that it didn’t deliver. The hydraulic fracturing that creates a focal point for the plot is of great concern to the Cornwall Alliance. Promised Land centers on a land-lease buyer, Steve Butler (played by Damon), who goes to rural towns and purchases the rights to hydraulically fracture the ground for natural gas. Coming from a rural background himself, Butler relates well with the people—a fact key to … [Read more...]
Your Tax Dollars at Work – Stealing Your Child’s Mind!
For generations America’s public schools have indoctrinated our children with the dogma of Darwinism: life arose and developed by chance, no Creator involved. Now they’re poised to indoctrinate them with another dogma: catastrophic, global warming—not just global warming, but catastrophic, anthropogenic global warming (CAGW). Never mind that in both cases thousands of scientists reject the dogma. Never mind that in both cases the theories fail to account for large numbers of empirical facts. … [Read more...]
Review: DIVE Earth Science Curriculum
Is there a Christian view of science? There certainly is, and the DIVE (Digital Interactive Video Education) Earth Science course does an excellent job of teaching it. (See here also.) Written mostly for eighth and ninth grade homeschooling students, DIVE is taught by Dr. David Shormann, who presents a thorough overview of all the topics important to understanding the Earth from a Christian view of history, philosophy, and science. The entire course is a 30-week study of the anatomy of the … [Read more...]
A Story of Change – But What Kind of Change?
The Story of Change, the sequel to The Story of Stuff, should be renamed The Story of Changing to a Marxist Political Economy, though its creator might not understand her own political views well enough to recognize that. The Story of Stuff (of which there is an excellent four-part critique on YouTube) started as an Internet viral movie in 2007 designed to inculcate environmental conscientiousness via product choices. In the twenty-minute animated video, shown to countless school-age children … [Read more...]
“Climate Scientists” and Mainstream Media Team Up Again to Incite Groundless Fears
The mainstream media and global warming alarmists are at it again—confusing weather with climate, appealing to “tipping points,” doing their best to scare the public into the kind of panic that would let politicians commit us to budget-busting, economy-crippling, liberty-destroying policies to fight it. Last week CNN breathlessly reported, “More record warmth as scientists warn of global tipping point.” The article began: It's hot out there. But this time, it's more than idle watercooler talk, … [Read more...]
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