See here by Will Happer. … [Read more...]
The elementary error of physics that caused the global warming scare
[Editor's note: Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, a British journalist and polymath who has been at the forefront of arguments against catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, prepared this document for submission as a brief to U.S. District Judge William Alsup in a case brought by San Francisco and Oakland against five major oil companies that seeks to hold the companies liable for damages from warming caused by the use of their products. It was first published at … [Read more...]
Chennai, India’s Cold Winter vs. Global Warming Hype
Why do developing countries like India fear calling out the climate myth? Because doing so would risk international trade relations by challenging the European economic powerhouses that are vehemently opposed to any country that leaves the Paris accord. In fact, the European Union’s new Brussels policy stipulates that the EU will not sign trade pacts with any country that does not ratify the Paris agreement. While many climate alarmists call for India to cut down its dependence on coal, fearing … [Read more...]
Hottest Arctic Ever? Arctic Climate Change Fairytales vs. Reality
Last week, social media and mainstream media were abuzz with news about the record Arctic heat and how we humans are destroying our planet through climate change. While we brace for a barrage of climate doomsday news, here is the actual reality of climatic conditions at the Arctic and reasons why we are not in imminent danger. On 26 February, temperatures in some regions of the Arctic hovered around the freezing point (zero degree Celsius)—a record high for this time of year in the satellite … [Read more...]
Why You MUST Read Joe Bastardi’s The Climate Chronicles
The 38th through 41st chapters of the Book of Job are among the most majestic, awe-inspiring passages in all literature, inside and outside the Bible. I cannot read them and not feel small, humbled by the omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience of God. They record questions God hurls rapid-fire, “out of the whirlwind,” at Job to impress on him his utter inability to control or even to explain the day-to-day events of the world. Here are a few, from Job 38:4–20: Where were you when I laid … [Read more...]
How Are Polar Bear Extinction Fears Like Global Warming Fears?
By now the message is old hat to everybody, but in case you've forgotten, here's how Greenpeace puts it: "polar bears could completely disappear from the Arctic in the next 100 years if we don’t take action soon." Ah, right. Except that it's dead wrong. The chief reason? Just as is the case with fears of dangerous manmade global warming, those making the claim depend entirely on computer models, models that are at best not verified and at worst falsified by empirical observation—the "key to … [Read more...]
Does the FDA Say Vaccines Cause Autism?
Back in November, In Shape Today magazine ran an article headlined "Now It's Official: FDA Announced that Vaccines Are Causing Autism!" Those who read it should also read Dr. Daryl Sas's article "What's Incredible? Learning to Read Science Articles with a Critical Eye." It will equip them to see the errors not just in this but in thousands and thousands of similar articles on this and other medical and other scientific subjects. In Shape Today's article makes a fundamental mistake of logic: … [Read more...]
Has Scott Pruitt Brought Armageddon to the EPA?
According to two former Administrators, current federal Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has set the agency back by anything from several years to as much as three decades due to “regulatory rollbacks, mass attrition and budget cuts.” That sounds ominous. It isn’t. At present EPA is operating under FY2017 funding levels. While projected FY2018 funding cuts will be substantial, they have not yet taken place. The FY2018 budget’s 28% reduction for the Superfund program … [Read more...]
Protect Endangered Species on Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day. A day for lovers. But according to the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD), it could be a very bad day for biodiversity. That's because, so goes the argument, what lovers (heterosexual lovers, anyway) do---not just on Valentine's Day but all year long---threatens to increase human population. And, as everyone knows, growing human population leads to more species extinctions. The CBD, citing Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson, claims that "30,000 species per year (or three … [Read more...]
A Christian Perspective on Biodiversity: Anthropocentric, Biocentric, and Theocentric Approaches to Bio-Stewardship
Maintaining Biodiversity: A Generally Good End Whatever our assumptions, I think all of us here would agree that, in general, maintaining biodiversity is a good end. None of us would favor the willy-nilly elimination of species, subspecies, varieties, or even distinct populations of varieties of life. Yet I say that maintaining biodiversity is a good end "in general" because there are some limits to this end. Although there are others, I mention here just three. First, I trust that no one … [Read more...]
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