Even before the ink was dry on former President Barack Obama’s signature mandating the creation of Clean Power Plan (CPP) regulations, state governments and industry were rushing up the courthouse steps to challenge the plan and block its implementation. Despite the fact CPP is just two years old, it has already traveled a long and winding road to its final oblivion (one hopes)! CPP required states to reduce their electric power sector carbon-dioxide emissions by 32 percent below 2005 levels … [Read more...]
On an Error in Applying Feedback Theory to Climate: Paper by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, Willie Soon, David Legates, William M. Briggs, Michael Limburg, Dietrich Jeschke, John Whitfield, Alex Henney, James Morrison
Click here to read the full PDF of this paper. *Christopher Monckton of Brenchley (a), Willie Soon (b), David Legates (c), William M. Briggs (d), Michael Limburg (e), Dietrich Jeschke (f), John Whitfield (g), Alex Henney (h), James Morrison (i) a Science and Public Policy Institute UK, Dyrham, Wiltshire, England: monckton@mail.com * Corresponding author: +44 781 455 6423; +44 117 937 4155 b Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts c Department of … [Read more...]
Is Climate Change Causing a Sea Turtle Disaster?
Turtle Traffic Jams? On Oahu’s North Shore, Hawaiian green sea turtles are everywhere, but a recent study claims that may not be the case in the future due to climate change. But is it really true that disaster is looming for green sea turtle populations? Tourists flock here daily to see them, with cars and buses jockeying for limited parking along a tiny, two-lane coastal highway. The daily phenomena create what the locals un-affectionately refer to as “turtle traffic jams.” When I … [Read more...]
Can You Really Have Fun Debating Climate Change?
"Unsafe Space," dedicated to discussing serious issues in comedic fashion, did everyone a real service on January 22. It posted a panel discussion on climate change featuring scientists Jon Christensen (defending the alarmist view) and Willie Soon (defending the skeptics' view). It's a good discussion with plenty of give-and-take and at least a modicum of mutual respect. An abbreviated version in video is on YouTube, while the full version, audio only, is on Unsafe Space's own site (where … [Read more...]
The Great Winter of 2017-2018 and the Hypocrisy of Climate Alarmists
As record lows gripped many parts of the U.S. and Canada, the global warming elitists scrambled to announce to the world that climate change was the driving force behind the freezing weather. Inevitably, their claims have exposed the hypocrisy of the global warming cult that has instilled fear among the public. Temperatures in many parts of the Atlantic U.S. went down drastically last week. Canada was not an exception, with record lows registered in many provinces since November last … [Read more...]
President’s Tweet Trumps Gore’s on Climate Change
In Florida over the holidays, President Trump tweeted, “In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!” Al Gore—the leading global warming propagandist—fearing a collapse of his warming hypothesis, tweeted that the recent record lows are due to global warming. That drew biting derision from real … [Read more...]
Global Warming Believers, Take Note: Real Science Doesn’t Shy from Challenges
Guest blog by Mark Landsbaum, reprinted from Barbwire.com with permission Somewhere online yours truly posted a comment about global warming that stirred one of the faithful. Faithful global warming believer, that is. The true believer sent me an email that demanded: Please don’t ever write about a subject you are so hopelessly uneducated in ever again, and if you do, do the courtesy to your unfortunate reader of providing sources. For the umpteenth time I had been shouted down by one of … [Read more...]
Is Capitalism Bad for the Environment? The Eighth Commandment Offers a Clue
A common charge by environmentalists is that capitalism is bad for the environment. Indeed, Christiana Figueres, former secretary-general of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, opined that climate negotiations in Paris in late 2014 offered the world its best opportunity to replace the reigning global economic order (capitalism, or free markets) with another (socialism, or government-planned economies). But is capitalism really bad for the environment? One of the Ten … [Read more...]
Do Climate Alarmists Take God’s Name in Vain?
The Cornwall Alliance has produced a series of 23 lectures on the Ten Commandments. How do those relate to our usual focus on environment and development? Lots of ways. This is the third in a series of brief posts exploring some of them. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”—The Third Commandment Here God forbids careless or irreverent use of His name. Elsewhere Scripture enlarges on this. We should show … [Read more...]
You Shall Not Make for Yourself a Carved Image
The Cornwall Alliance has produced a series of 23 lectures on the Ten Commandments. How do those relate to our usual focus on environment and development? Lots of ways. This is the second in a series of brief posts exploring some of them. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous … [Read more...]
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