Ideologies have financial costs. One such ideology is exemplified by the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Program. In 1971, Congress banned the hunting of wild horses and burros on public land. The genesis of the movement stemmed from the work of Velma B. Johnston who was upset with the manner in which people captured and used wild horses for commercial purposes. Unfortunately, when people confuse abuse with use and therefore ban human use of animals, bad things often … [Read more...]
NOAA Seeks to Expand Federal Oversight of Hawaiian Waters: New plan will limit use of Hawaiian coastal waters by surfers, fishermen and tourists
With the incredible recovery of humpback whales, NOAA recently proposed to delist them as an endangered species. The logical follow-up step is to dismantle the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. Instead, NOAA is moving forward with a 24 million dollar proposal to expand their focus to much more than whales, while increasing regulations and restricting use and enjoyment of areas within the revised sanctuary boundaries. Located mostly in state waters, the current … [Read more...]
Alley Sheep at the El Station
Thinking back on the Cornwall Alliance’s 25 Days of Prayer for the Environment and the Poor, reminded me of some work I did in 2010. As a church planter in Evanston, Illinois, I led our folks to serve as “alley sheep” (as opposed to alley cats) in the lanes beside and behind the downtown restaurants. Dumpsters were overflowing with offenses to eye and nose, and we ventured to clean things up as both a service to the community and a witness to the gospel. Sporting our theme T-shirts, we raked … [Read more...]
Castrate All Boys at Age Ten to Save the Planet?
A friend posted on Facebook responses she had received when she announced she was pregnant with her second child. “Already?!” “Was this pregnancy an accident?” Reading many of them made me sad. Some chided her for having her children so close together, others for having them when she’s so young. (But she’s in her mid-twenties and happily married). Reading Katie Herzog’s “Why I’ll never have kids, and why you shouldn’t either” later that day made me even sadder. She thinks neither she nor … [Read more...]
Interstellar: Why the Climate Controversy?
"Right Wing Attacks Media Climate for Saying Interstellar is About Climate Change" "Interstellar and the Climate-Culture War" "Interstellar's' Rejection of Climate Change Hysteria" These are a just a few of the headlines circulating the Internet about Christopher Nolan's latest blockbuster movie, Interstellar. But for a film having zero to say directly about global warming, it seems odd indeed that there's so much climate change controversy. So what's all the hubbub? For those who haven't … [Read more...]
Big Green at it Again: Deciding Scientific Outcomes Before Doing Research
As if Climategate wasn’t enough, the pseudo-scientific community has now given us BeeGate. Environmentalists blame neonicotinoid pesticides for bee colony collapse, an assumption already disproven by scientific research and field studies. This is not to say that more studies could not or should not be done, but in the case of BeeGate there is an ideology at work that decided the outcome. According to a memo released Tuesday, four European scientists decided they wanted to stop the use of … [Read more...]
Obama’s “Climate Education and Literacy Initiative”: How Do You Spell “I-N-D-O-C-T-R-I-N-A-T-I-O-N”?
With Obamacare obviously failing to provide promised affordable health care and falling apart in the face of legal challenges and states’ refusal to participate, it’s becoming increasingly clear that President Obama has decided to make ending “climate change” his legacy. “If you believe, like I do, that something has to be done on this, then you’re going to have to speak out,” Obama told students and faculty at the University of California at Irvine last June. “You’ve got to educate your … [Read more...]
Evangelical Environmentalism: Bought and Paid for by Liberal Million$$$?
Evangelical Environmentalism: Bought and Paid for by Liberal Million$$$ (PDF) Revised October 20, 2014 Has evangelical environmentalism, aka “creation care,” grown up as a native plant among American evangelicals? Or is it an invasive, hybrid species that overshadows the cross of Jesus Christ, developed and planted by secular scientists and religious liberals, watered and generously fertilized by Left-wing foundations[1] that share little or nothing of evangelicals’ theological and spiritual … [Read more...]
Billionaire Tom Steyer Spends $20 million on Televised Smear Campaigns
Originally Published on Tom Steyer is perpetually in the news–promising to raise $100 million to fight climate skeptics in this campaign cycle. Well, he is fighting, but not with $100 million (he’s had trouble finding backers for his super PAC NextGen Climate Action). Tom Steyer has thus far spent $20 million on TV ads that either tell bald-faced lies, or use out-of-context sound bites to present a far from truthful story. In Florida, and gave … [Read more...]
American Lung Association in Cahoots with EPA
A new American Lung Association (ALA) television ad supports the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed new rule requiring a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions from power plants by 2030, pushing the lie that CO2 emissions are harmful to human health. The ALA ad, entitled “a mother’s instinct,” shows a child’s toy, a baby monitor, and a sleeping baby, then cuts to a shot of a power plant and states, “The Clean Air Act stops polluters from poisoning his air with arsenic, lead, and mercury. … [Read more...]
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