Refuting climate alarmists’ counterfactual claims is like playing whack-a-mole. Smack this one here, and ten others pop up there, and there, and there, and ….In the climate apocalyptic video propaganda category, the newest seems to be The Final Years of Majuro, posted to YouTube August 4.The film tells us, with all the authority of “science,” that the Marshall Islands (of which Majuro is the capital city), will disappear if global average temperature (GAT) rises beyond 1.5°C above pre-industrial … [Read more...]
Test All Things, Hold Fast What Is Good—But How?
A reader recently forwarded to us an email from a fine Christian ministry that bemoaned the proliferation of "fake news" and other bad thinking on the Internet in the novel Coronavirus pandemic. She asked, "The very thing I've been thinking, and one of the reasons I dislike watching the news — too many lies. Who do you believe? What do you believe? Your thoughts?"Ah, the perennial questions: Whom do you believe? What do you believe?But better is the question, How do you decide what to believe? … [Read more...]
The Problem with Naturalism
Scientific American's report on the awarding of this year's Templeton Prize to Brazilian theoretical physicist and cosmologist Marcelo Gleiser, the Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy and professor of physics and astronomy at Dartmouth College, is fascinating reading.One could wish that many climate scientists, so over-sure of themselves, would read it and take it to heart. SA reported that the Templeton Foundation awarded the prize to Gleiser because "his status as a leading public … [Read more...]
… until the other comes and examines him.
Has the climate-change controversy reached a milestone? That depends in part on whether President Donald Trump follows through with his desire to appoint a President's Committee on Climate Security (PCCS) under the National Security Council (NSC). The PCCS would be tasked with assessing the pros and cons of various perspectives on climate change---subjecting them to serious scientific testing. That's something climate alarmists haven't wanted done, which is why they've insisted for decades that … [Read more...]
A Million Here, a Million There—Pretty Soon You’re Talking about Real Penguins
Eighty years ago, a museum curator aboard a fishing trawler in the Indian Ocean got a shock felt around the world. In a net full of mundane fish, he found one he'd never expected to see. It was a coelecanth. Why hadn't he expected to see it? Because ichthyologists (fish scientists) believed it had gone extinct 65 million years before. Yet there it was, flopping around, all too alive to have gone extinct 65 million years ago. The discovery shook the world of marine biologists. Fast forward … [Read more...]
Is the Case for Drastic Climate Policy a Case of Misplaced Expertise?
Jonah Goldberg, writing about climate change and climate policy (yes, there really is a difference between the two) in National Review, hit the nail on the head when he said, "expertise doesn’t necessarily transfer over from one field to another." What he had in mind was the silliness of thinking that climate scientists, because they are (we'll concede the point for the sake of argument) experts about climate, are therefore also experts about what to do about it (assuming anything should be … [Read more...]
Does the San Francisco Jury Verdict against Monsanto Spell Doom for Roundup?
Now that jurors in a San Francisco court have awarded a man $289 million in damages in his lawsuit against Monsanto (and its parent company Bayer) claiming that his exposure to Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller gave him cancer, some people wonder whether the Cornwall Alliance will reverse its view that Roundup (the brand name for the active ingredient glyphosate) is not a carcinogen. The answer: No. The reason: Because the case provides no convincing evidence that glyphosate causes … [Read more...]
Take Secret Science Out of the EPA: An Open Letter in Support of Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science
Click here to sign the Open Letter. The federal Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science,” banning the agency’s use of “secret science” in formulating regulations, should be adopted. It is badly needed to assure American taxpayers that the EPA is truly acting in their best interests. Objections are groundless. Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science (STRS) provides that “When promulgating significant regulatory … [Read more...]
Would Einstein be a global warming skeptic?
See here by Will Happer. … [Read more...]
The elementary error of physics that caused the global warming scare
[Editor's note: Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, a British journalist and polymath who has been at the forefront of arguments against catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, prepared this document for submission as a brief to U.S. District Judge William Alsup in a case brought by San Francisco and Oakland against five major oil companies that seeks to hold the companies liable for damages from warming caused by the use of their products. It was first published at … [Read more...]