Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced yesterday that the United States has given official notice of its withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement.The Cornwall Alliance has advocated for this ever since President Donald Trump took office and considers it a great win for common sense, good science, good economics, and good politics.Full implementation of the Paris agreement through the end of the century would cost $70 to $140 trillion and would reduce global average surface temperature by no … [Read more...]
The Giga and Terra Scam of Offshore Wind Energy
Can anti-fossil fuel policies based on climate crisis alarmism possibly get any more insane than this? In what might be described as a pre-Halloween trick of ginormous proportions, the International Energy Agency (IEA) now asserts that “renewable, sustainable” energy output will explode over the next two decades. Certainly for onshore wind and solar energy – but especially for offshore wind, says the IEA. “Offshore wind currently provides just 0.3% of global power generation,” IEA executive … [Read more...]
Climategate: Ten years later
This month marks the tenth anniversary of “Climategate” – the release of thousands of emails to and from climate scientists who had been (and still are) collaborating and colluding to create a manmade climate crisis that exists in their minds and computer models, but not in the real world. The scandal should have ended climate catastrophism. Instead, it was studiously buried by politicians, scientists, activists, and crony capitalists, who will rake in trillions of dollars from the … [Read more...]
Rainfall Trends in India Show No Climate Fatigue
Climate is particularly important to farmers in agrarian countries. Drought could mean the difference between life and death.India, for example, is predominantly agrarian. Of the country’s 1.3 billion people, 300 million, nearly a fourth, are poor even by Indian standards, and millions of others are on the borderline. So, agriculture is a big deal.Climate alarmists argue that the world has been progressively warming in recent decades (due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions) and that this … [Read more...]
The Tragedy of Greta Thunberg
Sixteen-year-old Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg lives in the healthiest, wealthiest, safest, and most peaceful era humans have ever known. She is one of the luckiest people ever to have lived.In a just world, Thunberg would be at the United Nations thanking capitalist countries for bequeathing her this remarkable inheritance. Instead, she, like millions of other indoctrinated kids her age, act as if they live in a uniquely broken world on the precipice of disaster. This is a … [Read more...]
No Reason to Panic: The State of Arctic Ice Mass And Greenland
Sea ice levels are quite important to the discussion surrounding climate change. This is because changes in sea ice volume are considered the most tangible impact of changes in global temperature levels.Climatologists and climate change enthusiasts have thus always followed the changes in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice volume. And Greenland also has been at the center of attention, as it hosts the largest ice mass outside of the polar regions.Of the three regions, Antarctica has seen the most … [Read more...]
The trouble with the political push for climate change activism
The lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, as the old song goes, have shoved their way into the fall. And with them, the political push for climate change activism chucked kids out of the classroom and into the streets this past Friday (not that they needed a reason to cut class, especially in nice weather). Not to be outdone by the shouting students, this past Monday, adults from around the globe with their own dreams of climate utopia (and excuse to cut work and party in a fab city), descended … [Read more...]
Under-reported tropical storm Imelda nevertheless makes herself known to residents of southeastern Texas.
Tropical Depression Imelda is not receiving the extensive media attention she deserves, ostensibly because it did not come ashore with hurricane force winds, and not even as a tropical storm, but as a sprawling tropical depression accompanied by vast amounts of moisture.Still, the damage from the flooding inflicted by its 35-40 inches of rain that has fallen over the past two days continues to render low-lying portions of southeastern Texas, including the greater Houston area, wet indeed.In … [Read more...]
Organic Food, Essential Oils, and the Gospel of Grace
One of the latest buzz words in Christian circles, and everywhere else, is “organic.” As a society, we are spending increasing amounts of money buying organic produce, cage-free eggs, and grass-fed beef. Anything with the label “natural” is quickly becoming the preferred method, even when we’re not totally sure what “all-natural” really entails. For some, essential oils are replacing traditional medicine, with promises to heal across the spectrum, from a simple cold to chronic illness.While … [Read more...]
Evidence of Media Bias about Climate Change Part 4: Bait and Switch: Models replacing observations
This is the fourth in a series by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. (Meteorology), Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama at Huntsville, exposing media bias in reporting about climate change. This first appeared as part of a longer article by Dr. Spencer on his blog.There is an increasing trend toward passing off climate model projections as actual observations in news reports. This came up just a few days ago when I was alerted to a news story that claimed … [Read more...]
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