Last month, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a rule by the California Air Resources Board to require 100 percent of new car sales in California to be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2035:“We can solve this climate crisis if we focus on the big, bold steps necessary to cut pollution. California now has a groundbreaking, world-leading plan to achieve 100 percent zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035," the Governor said. He added:“This plan’s yearly targets – 35 percent ZEV sales by 2026, … [Read more...]
When Will EVs Crash the Grid?
The day will come, if the political left is not stopped, when a preponderance of electric vehicles placed in operation will demand enough k-watt hours of power to bring down the grid during periods of peak demand. It already happens with some degree of frequency in California, and in Texas less frequently during its winter cold spells. The rest will not be far behind.The focus needs to be drawn away from the fact that an electric vehicle has no attached tailpipe to emit emissions. Even though … [Read more...]
Stop the Federal Land Grab
Question: Why do you find graffiti on public bathroom walls but not on your own?Answer: Because you own your bathroom---and the rest of your house---so you have an incentive to take care of it. But "everybody" owns the public bathroom---and what everybody owns, nobody owns, and nobody has an incentive to take care of it.Question: Why are massive forest fires more likely to occur on publicly owned land (federal or state) than on privately owned land?Answer: For the same reason you find graffiti … [Read more...]
Misleading Infographic about Climate Change and Wildfires
Someone recently wrote to us, "Wondering if you can help me with this? I've gotten myself into a friendly debate with a family member on climate change and he sent me this infographic. His argument is that combustion engines are bad for the environment and causing things like fires to happen. What would be a good rebuttal to this?"Here's the infographic:So, how to respond?The number of problems in that graphic is amazing. Here are some quick points:Mark Twain said there are “lies, damned lies, … [Read more...]
EPA Takes Aim at Permian Basin in Continued War on Fossil Fuels
The federal Environmental Protection Agency has announced that from now through August 15 it will use infrared cameras mounted on planes to identify large emitters of methane from oil and gas wells in the Permian Basin, an area spanning west Texas and east New Mexico that supplies about 43 percent of the oil produced in America.The concern is that methane, a powerful “greenhouse gas,” contributes to dangerous global warming.It’s true that methane is about 30 times more powerful, molecule per … [Read more...]
Are This Summer’s Heat Waves Extraordinary?
Are they driven primarily by global climate change?Want to know whether this summer’s heat waves in the United States are extraordinary—nay, even unprecedented—due to manmade global warming?Where should you go for solid, objective data?Obviously, to the authoritative source, the Environmental Protection Agency. So you go to its page titled “Climate Change Indicators: Heat Waves.” Immediately when the page opens up, this is what you see:There you have it: decade by decade, everything goes up. … [Read more...]
Should an Environmental Regulator Teach Old Laws to Do New Tricks?
Eight-and-a-half years ago, E&E News called Joseph Goffman a “law whisperer” because “His specialty is teaching an old law to do new tricks.” The epithet was well enough deserved that Harvard Law Today repeated it five years later.Now, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is considering Goffman’s nomination to become Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation in the Environmental Protection Agency.What could possibly go wrong with a “law whisperer” in charge of EPA’s air and … [Read more...]
Lying with Statistics About American Electric Energy Sources
Back in 1954 journalist Darrell Huff published How to Lie with Statistics. The book exposed many different ways in which people use statistics, even true ones, to foist off falsehoods.Today while looking for data on trends in the numbers of operating coal- and natural gas-fired power plants in the United States I came across an interesting example of lying with statistics, this one promulgated by the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA). The discussion that follows is rough; I don't claim … [Read more...]
Inflation and “Inflation”
The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today that year-on-year “inflation” through June was 9.1 percent, meaning the basket of goods constituting the “consumer price index” (CPI) that cost $100 a year ago cost $109.10 last month.That’s bad news, for several reasons.First, of course, it’s bad news because it means life gets tougher for everybody whose income isn’t enhanced by precisely those things that drive such “inflation”—meaning the vast majority of people.Second, it’s bad news … [Read more...]
Sri Lanka: Canary in the Environmentalist Coal Mine
Last year the Cornwall Alliance reported on our blog that Sri Lanka was headed for serious trouble. Now, sadly, our prediction is coming true.The Associated Press (AP) calls Sri Lanka “a country hurtling towards bankruptcy, with hardly any money to import gasoline, milk, cooking gas and toilet paper.” In late June its prime minister said its economy had “collapsed.” Both he and President Gotabaya Rajapaksa agreed to resign in the face of mass protests that included crowds occupying their … [Read more...]
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