The Obama Administration decided last month that it would placate the “Green” lobby by telling our nation’s farmers how to do their job. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the creation of seven Regional Climate Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change. These Hubs match climate change knowledge with local farmers using current networks including local extension agents. This announcement by the Obama Administration was a stepping stone to this month’s announcement of … [Read more...]
A Theological Framework for Evaluating Genetically Modified Food
The public debate regarding genetically modified (GM) food has for the most part been driven by practical considerations. For those on the side of GM food, the economic and social benefits far outweigh any possible negative consequences (if there even are any). In this vein, Reason magazine science correspondent Ronald Bailey points out, “With biotech corn, U.S. farmers have saved an estimated $200 million by avoiding extra cultivation and reducing insecticide spraying. U.S. cotton farmers have … [Read more...]
How Will We Feed Africa?
Environmental activists are spending millions of dollars in their campaign to ban genetically modified foods, as millions of Africans starve. These activists, who must believe that ideology is a good substitute for bread on the table, need to understand some simple truths. Human activity is based on living a healthy life. Sufficient food is the first requirement for health, which gives people the strength to flourish and live productive lives. Hunger and undernourishment undermine human society, … [Read more...]