Dear Father, We pray for the farmers and the agricultural fields of this world. We thank you for blessing us with the ability to innovate modern agricultural technology, and the ingenuity to develop disease resistant crops—both of which have helped us meet the growing demand for food globally. Lord, we thank you for giving us the great minds who played a big role in the development of the modern agricultural sector. Lord, we also remember the countless farmers across the globe who are … [Read more...]
The Myths of Indian Climate Catastrophe vs. Promising Reality
Proponents of climate alarmism have long claimed that developing countries like India will be the worst affected by climate change. Their claims cannot be farther from reality. With a population of 1.3 billion people and millions emigrating out of the country every year, India’s contribution to the global economy is significant. Traditionally agrarian, India has become increasingly dependent on its growing industrial sector. The country’s energy sector serves as the backbone of its … [Read more...]
Answering Objections about Genetically Modified Organisms
Opponents of genetically modified (GM) crops raise a number of questions and objections to growing them and including them in the food supply. Although they cite scientific research to support their claims, a careful review of the literature suggests there is very little evidence to support any of the claims about harmful health effects of GM food. For this reason, combined with the many potential benefits, governments should not restrict the use of genetically modified organisms … [Read more...]
European farmers and eaters 1, Luddites 0
Luddites lost a big one in Europe last week. The European Union voted to re-license the herbicide glyphosate (commonly known as Roundup®), one of the best gifts of science to man (because it makes food more abundant and affordable) and nature (because it minimizes the amount of cropland needed to grow food), despite howls of protest by those who wrongly claim it's a dangerous carcinogen. Mark Lynas hits the nail on the head with the title of his blog piece about it at the Cornell Alliance for … [Read more...]
Badgering Badgers on Climate Change
The Cap Times in Madison, Wisconsin, recently ran an article titled "Climate change is here: Wisconsin is seeing earlier springs, later falls, less snow and more floods," to which a Badger state resident called our attention. It's typical climate alarmist propaganda, and it bemoans what it considers the ignorance, or worse, of those who disagree: There are still people who refuse to see what the vast majority of scientists consider self-evident. The president has called climate change a … [Read more...]
Veganism, Eastern Mysticism, and Mob Lynching
Globalization has changed our lives. With a changing culture, the food on our plate has become diverse. Sometimes that comes with a change in the philosophy of eating, too! Among the many ‘isms’ popular in the 21st century, veganism enjoys a special status. Food is an essential part of our lives. Supporters portray veganism as beneficial to both health and the environment. Veganism’s benefit to health is questionable. It can be difficult to obtain adequate protein on a vegan diet. Its … [Read more...]
Time to End Ethanol Mandate and Subsidies
Seven years ago Indur Goklany, an economist formerly with the U.S. Department of the Interior and associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since its inception in 1988 as an author, expert reviewer, and U.S. delegate to the organization, concluded a thorough analysis of the effect of American biofuels policy on the world's poor with these words: ... the production of biofuels [in the U.S.] may have led to at least 192,000 additional deaths and 6.7 million additional lost … [Read more...]
Does Monsanto’s Roundup (Glyphosate) Cause Disease?
Recently a friend asked me to evaluate an apparently scientifically substantial article that concluded that glyphosate—the active ingredient in Roundup, one of the world’s most widely used artificial pesticides—has caused a dramatic increase in a variety of diseases such as autism, inflammation, immune disorders, gluten intolerance, celiac disease, and cancer. I’ve been shown various “studies” in the past making similar claims but have always seen quickly that they weren’t based on sound … [Read more...]
The Food Morality Movement & Health
It is truly a strange occurrence to see how a vocal portion of our culture is more concerned about “what you eat than who you have sex with.” I forgot where I saw that statement, but it isn’t too much of an overstatement. How often have you reached for this or that food and been told that item is killing you; a statement often accompanied with a smug self-righteous look? In fact, being obsessed with “healthy eating” is a disease called “orthexia nervosa.” While plenty of dietary habits can … [Read more...]
Where the Buffalo Roamed—and Roam Again
As a child in a good elementary school in the small town of Owego, New York, in the early 1960s, I learned dozens of old folk songs. Among them was “Home on the Range,” which I, like many of my fellow students, loved to sing, feeling all romantic about life on the range—ridin’ your faithful horse, sleepin’ under the stars, shootin’ rattlesnakes, tamin’ wild horses, herdin’ cattle, and singin’ ’round the campfire. Of course, none of us had ever seen the range, other than in cowboy Westerns, but … [Read more...]
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