For two decades, the public has been bombarded with dire warnings of an impending climate-induced agricultural apocalypse. The claim is that a climate warmed excessively by the carbon dioxide emissions of human activity will ravage the food supply and plunge humanity into famine and chaos.For many reasons, none of this ever made sense. Now, a new study published in Scientific Reports, has turned this narrative of catastrophe on its head, revealing that a global temperature rise of even 5 degrees … [Read more...]
NOAA’s Homogenized Temperature Records: A Statistical House of Cards?
Guest column by Charles RotterFor years, climate scientists have assured us that NOAA's homogenized temperature datasets---particularly the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)---are the gold standard for tracking global warming. But what if the "corrections" applied to these datasets are introducing more noise than the signal? A recent study published in Atmosphere has uncovered shocking inconsistencies in NOAA's adjustments, raising serious concerns about the reliability of homogenized … [Read more...]
Hey, EPA, Why Not Regulate Water Vapor Emissions While You Are At It?
Some BackgroundI will admit that the legal profession mystifies me. Every time I say anything related to environmental law, one or more lawyers will correct me. But I suppose “turnabout is fair play”, since I will usually correct any lawyers about their details describing climate change science.Lawyers aren’t like us normal people. Their brains work differently. I first suspected this when one of my daughters took the LSAT and gave me examples of questions, most of which my brain was not wired … [Read more...]
Reasons Why Regulating CO2 Emissions Needs to be Reconsidered
March 7, the Washington Post reported the EPA Administrator is considering recommending to the White House that the EPA’s 2009 CO2 Endangerment Finding be rescinded. Let’s look at a few of the reasons why this might be a good thing to consider.The ScienceThe science of human-caused climate change is much more uncertain that you have been led to believe. The globally-averaged surface temperature of Earth seems to have warmed by 1 deg. C or so in the last century. The magnitude of the warming … [Read more...]
CO2 Endangerment Finding on the Chopping Block—At Last!
On December 7, 2009—“a day that will live in infamy”—the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued what is known as the “CO2 endangerment finding,” which has been the linchpin of practically all federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide.Over the past 15 years, the EPA, other federal agencies, and various states have issued regulations restricting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, power plants, and other sources, all rooted in the … [Read more...]
Green Billionaires Bankroll War on Gas Stoves
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashWhat is the “Climate Imperative Foundation”? Have you ever heard of it? As Robert Bryce writes on Substack, “The Climate Imperative Foundation is the newest and richest anti-hydrocarbon, anti-natural gas group you’ve never heard of.” I recently discussed the issue related to gas stoves. In my investigation, I found the attack on using natural gas for cooking comes largely from the Climate Imperative Foundation.In its first year of existence, Climate … [Read more...]
Why the Sudden Attack on Gas Stoves?
No doubt you have heard the discussion that gas stoves are evil … because they lead to childhood asthma. I am not talking about “gasoline” stoves—and I do not recommend you cook with gasoline—but gas stoves that run on natural gas. You might have one of these “anti-children” appliances in your kitchen. I recently moved from a home that had a gas stove to one where I now cook with electricity … not because I have children who are likely to develop asthma but because … well, the new house does not … [Read more...]
The Dangers of the “One Health Joint Plan of Action”
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a page on its website titled “One Health Basics.” There it defines “One Health” as “a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing”—and here’s the crux—“the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.”On that page the CDC writes about the risk of disease transfer … [Read more...]
Farewell to a Brilliant, Energetic Friend and Comrade
When I grow up, I want to be like Jay Lehr in many ways. But I’m realistic enough about my own physical and educational limits to know that’s not likely.Dr. Jay H. Lehr (September 11, 1936 to January 10, 2023) died Tuesday at age 86. Why would I want to be like him “when I grow up”? Consider this from his obituary:Jay was known as the “Father of Western Lacrosse.” He was assistant lacrosse coach at The Ohio State University in the ‘60s. He loved playing club lacrosse, hockey, and men’s hardball. … [Read more...]
Stop the Federal Land Grab
Question: Why do you find graffiti on public bathroom walls but not on your own?Answer: Because you own your bathroom---and the rest of your house---so you have an incentive to take care of it. But "everybody" owns the public bathroom---and what everybody owns, nobody owns, and nobody has an incentive to take care of it.Question: Why are massive forest fires more likely to occur on publicly owned land (federal or state) than on privately owned land?Answer: For the same reason you find graffiti … [Read more...]
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