Terry Scanlon of the Capital Research Center leads his latest email this way: When you gas your car with 10% ethanol, you're dragged into the Renewable Fuel Standard morass run by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This environmentalist policy is so terrible, even the greens have turned against it. But as a government program, it's immortal. Our latest "Green Watch" documents how this disaster funnels money from consumers to crony capitalists, reduces your car's mileage, raises food … [Read more...]
Dirty Dishes Coming Your Way
First they came after your toilets. Then they came after your light bulbs. Now they’re after your dishwasher. Federal regulators never rest, do they? It’s not enough that they mandated that toilets use so little water per flush that it often takes two, three, or more flushes to get rid of—well, you know. It’s not enough that they mandated compact fluorescent light bulbs that give so little light that it’s difficult, especially for older folks (like me!), to read by it. Now the U.S. … [Read more...]
Bandow: Papal encyclical forgets the ecological benefits of market economies
Christian economist Doug Bandow, a long-time friend, has published three thoughtful responses to Laudato Si, Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment. One is "In Calling on Government, Laudato Si Underestimates Power of the the Market." It is, as usual, clear and concise. This excerpt is particularly important: ... the Pontiff’s own goals conflict. For instance, he speaks movingly of the dignity of work and its importance for all, including the poor. These jobs—especially better ones, of … [Read more...]
We Pray for the Honorable Scientists Who Are Being Attacked for Speaking Truth
Heavenly Father, Your Law clearly commands us not to bear false witness against our neighbors. Right now eight courageous people weigh heavily on my mind—eight climate scholars targeted by a politically motivated and baseless attack on their personal integrity because they are so intrepid as to stand against a powerful tide driven by enormous political and financial interests. Father, please vindicate Dr. Robert C. Balling of Arizona State University, Dr. John Christy of the University of … [Read more...]
Obama’s “Climate Education and Literacy Initiative”: How Do You Spell “I-N-D-O-C-T-R-I-N-A-T-I-O-N”?
With Obamacare obviously failing to provide promised affordable health care and falling apart in the face of legal challenges and states’ refusal to participate, it’s becoming increasingly clear that President Obama has decided to make ending “climate change” his legacy. “If you believe, like I do, that something has to be done on this, then you’re going to have to speak out,” Obama told students and faculty at the University of California at Irvine last June. “You’ve got to educate your … [Read more...]
Billionaire Tom Steyer Spends $20 million on Televised Smear Campaigns
Originally Published on Townhall.com Tom Steyer is perpetually in the news–promising to raise $100 million to fight climate skeptics in this campaign cycle. Well, he is fighting, but not with $100 million (he’s had trouble finding backers for his super PAC NextGen Climate Action). Tom Steyer has thus far spent $20 million on TV ads that either tell bald-faced lies, or use out-of-context sound bites to present a far from truthful story. In Florida, Politifact.com and Factcheck.com gave … [Read more...]
American Lung Association in Cahoots with EPA
A new American Lung Association (ALA) television ad supports the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed new rule requiring a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions from power plants by 2030, pushing the lie that CO2 emissions are harmful to human health. The ALA ad, entitled “a mother’s instinct,” shows a child’s toy, a baby monitor, and a sleeping baby, then cuts to a shot of a power plant and states, “The Clean Air Act stops polluters from poisoning his air with arsenic, lead, and mercury. … [Read more...]
Bogus Poll Touts Widespread Support for Obama’s CO2 Cuts
The headline couldn’t have been more celebratory: “A huge majority of Americans support regulating carbon from power plants. And they’re even willing to pay for it.” Uh-huh. Here’s the key question: “What if that significantly lowered greenhouse gases but raised your monthly energy expenses by 20 dollars a month - in that case do you think the government should or should not limit the release of greenhouse gases?” Note that figure: $20/month, equals $240 per year. But the real cost on … [Read more...]
Testimony To the United States Senate Environment & Public Works Committee June 3, 2014
“When scientific views come under political attack, so too does independent thinking and good policy-making” Read Dr. Legates's Full Testimony Here (PDF). Over the years, I have applied for several federal grants. Two in particular, submitted to NASA and the USDA (the latter involved using precipitation estimates by weather radar to enhance agricultural planning which had nothing to do with climate change), were never reviewed. It is not that I have received bad reviews; indeed, I have … [Read more...]
University of Delaware Threatens Cornwall Senior Fellow’s Academic Freedom
Apparently the law doesn’t apply to everyone equally in Delaware. Climate alarmists get protection; climate skeptics—don’t. When the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the University of Delaware (UD) for information related to three faculty members who had as part of their employment done work for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, UD Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence White refused on the grounds that the … [Read more...]