The Lima Climate Conference ended Sunday with what can be seen as a failure for environmental alarmist groups. The 20th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-20) included 11,000 delegates from over 190 countries. This horde descended on Peru for two solid weeks to continue discussions on a climate treaty before the Paris conference next year and only came to a compromise after running 30 hours past the scheduled end time. The goal of COP-20 … [Read more...]
Europe Flees Economy-Destroying Green Initiatives While Obama Presses On
C02 reduction regulations and subsidies for “green energy” are destroying the European economy, and the United States is next. But Europe’s waking up. After years of trying to lead the push to go green, it has turned around and begun steep cuts in its climate protection goals. Why? To save member states’ economies. For example, Germany, one of the strongest proponents of environmental regulations in the European Union (EU), has seen energy prices soar, making its prices the highest in Europe. … [Read more...]
How the Media Will Spin the Next IPCC Report – Why the Spin Is Wrong
It is extremely likely that the most oft-cited statement from the “Summary for Policymakers” (SPM) of the forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be: It is extremely likely that human influence on climate caused more than half of the increase in global average surface temperature from 1951–2010. Mainstream media and global warming enthusiasts will latch onto that. With little or no awareness of either its textual or its historical … [Read more...]
Is the IPCC Salvageable? A Review of Donna Laframboise’s “The Delinquent Teenager Who was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert”
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presents itself as a purely scientific organization tasked with providing unbiased assessments of the science of climate for use by policymakers. In reality, it is arbitrarily and selectively exclusive and agenda-driven, lacking discipline and accountability. In The Delinquent Teenager Who was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert, Canadian journalist Donna Laframboise makes a formidable case that the IPCC is biased and … [Read more...]
Four Bombshells in Next IPCC Report Undermine the Case for CAGW
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) boldly declared in its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007, “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures [GAT] since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas [GHG] concentrations.” That conclusion rested in no small measure on another conclusion: variations in the Sun’s activity had little impact on global average temperature. On the basis of those two … [Read more...]
Brian Sussman’s Eco-Tyranny Exposes Marxist Roots of Environmentalism
How does environmentalism relate to Marxism? In many respects they overlap. Brian Sussman’s book Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda Will Dismantle America seeks to answer where environmentalism came from, its connection to Marxism, and it ultimate goals. Chapter one, the most important, discusses the history of environmentalist thought as part and parcel with the original Marxists and their roots in Hegelian materialism (meaning man is an animal, and no truth exists, moral or otherwise). … [Read more...]
Why the UN’s ‘Developed Countries Should Pay’ Theory Is Flawed
[A]lthough greenhouse gas emissions can be blamed on nations based on the location of emission activities, these emissions are the effluvia of civilization and all its activities. In today's interconnected world, economic activity in one country helps provide livelihoods and incomes for many inhabitants elsewhere, and vice versa. A substantial portion of economic growth in developing countries is attributable to trade, remittances, tourism and direct investment from industrialized … [Read more...]
CFACT – Special Report from Conference in Bali
When the U.N. convened its 13th annual Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate change in steamy Bali in December, it held high expectations that the international community would be united over what course of action should be taken to curb the buildup of greenhouse gases. The event was carefully orchestrated from beginning to end, with an eye toward presenting to the world that a "consensus" had been reached on the need for a second Kyoto Treaty to replace the current one set to expire in … [Read more...]
Dishonest Political Tampering with the Science on Global Warming
Originally Published at As a contributor to the IPCC’s 2007 report, I share the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. Yet I and many of my peers in the British House of Lords - through our hereditary element the most independent-minded of lawmakers - profoundly disagree on fundamental scientific grounds with both the IPCC and my co-laureate’s alarmist movie An Inconvenient Truth, which won this year’s Oscar for Best Sci-Fi Comedy Horror. Two detailed investigations by Committees of the … [Read more...]
Global Warming: Why Evangelicals Should Not Be Alarmed
An annotated, PDF version of this article is available for Download. In a documentary aired August 23, 2007, by CNN and titled “God’s Warriors,” Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, said about evangelicals who disagree with his urgent appeals for action to fight global warming: Historically, evangelicals have reasoned like this: Scientists believe in evolution. Scientists are telling us climate change is real. Therefore, I won’t … [Read more...]